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Young Guns Photo Shoot


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On April 12th, immediately following the drivers meeting, we'd like to assemble all of mini-stock drivers in attendance for a group photo. Mini-stock drivers should come to this drivers meeting with their racing suits and helmets. I'll go through the pits well before the drivers meeting to remind, but if you are a mini-stock driver and read this forum or if you know one of the drivers, please let them know to be prepared. Even if they don't have their car with them that night, but will be racing this season, we'd like to get them in the photo in their racing suit with helmet


Brenda has agreed to take the photos for us. We intend to get a few different photos of the group. After having these photos, we'll use them to promote the class and the teens overall with submissions to several local newspapers and other outlets accompanied by an article I'll prepare. We're very proud of the "Texana Young Guns", and want to spread the word so their peers know what they do.


This is just a good way to promote the teens participation in racing and their participation in a positive activity on a Saturday night.

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