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Great night of racing at I-37 - 3/28/08


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From this fans perspective it was a great night of racing at I-37 last night. It has been a long time coming for this place and I hope it continues. Two first for me last night; 1.) I had never seen that many people at I-37, the stands were full and, 2.) at least from this spectators oppinion I had never seen the track look that good, It looked perfect and appeared fast. Man before Greg broke in the Mod main, him and Steve, Jr. were wicked fast, what a show. Just would have been nice to see a few more out there with them and Shrimp, I thought you had them covered in the Sport Mod main. It was good racing in all of the classes and Abraham Mares Jr. in the Street Stocks, dude, your #3 was on rails, that thing was awsome. Show ran smooth, started at 8:00 and was over at 11:00. Sound system was outstanding for a change and what can you say, Milton Hope is just the best. Anyway, from this fans perspective it was a great night, hope it continues.

Edited by SGS
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was really upset,(wife here) because we thought it was the engine but only blew the guts out of a sparkplug, sound like it broke, he'll get it........thanks for the support. i was literally taken off me feet when he rolledd down the back exit. ugggggh.


candace dinsmore

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