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For all of you have been there and are keeping up with the current situation at the Nashville Fairgrounds and want to seen it stay open, here is a petition started by the folks that love racing to let the powers that be know just how strongly they feel about keeping this class racing facility open. Go to www.savenashvillespeedway.com and add your name to that growing list. Although I think that online petitons are not really legal, they do provide a means by which to show someone just how strongly the people feel about a certain issue. In this case its just another situation where racing promotors have bent over backwards to fit into a neighborhood that grew up around the track so they would fit in and now some tree hugger still wants them out and would prefer a crime zone instead. The Nashville Fairgrounds has been around for a far back as I can remember and they have always raced there. It is loaded with racing history which features such greats as Darryl Waltrip, CoCoMarlin, Harry Gant, just to name a few. Yes, Nashville now has a cookie cutter track also located outside of town near Smyrna but it does not run those popular Saturday night shows that draw all the really hard corps race fans. So Texas Racers and race fans, lets show our Tennessee counterparts that we can help them out by signing this petition. I am sure any of the race drivers from these parts that have raced there will tell you how great this track is. I am just a spectator and believe me, that track puts on great shows :D

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You would think a tree hugging lawyer would be smart enough not to buy in a racetrack neighborhood to start with. The signs about shutting down the Fairgrounds Track were displayed in front of a few houses during the running of the AA-400 last year. The politicians and lawyers keep shutting down tracks, and pretty soon racing will be a thing of the past. My name is already on the petition.


ALA Llamadog

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First of all let me state I never understand why when a race track or airport have been some where for a long time, why do people move in and try to close it because they dont like the noise. They knew it was there when they moved in. How ever when something like that happens it seems like its just a matter of time before the track does close. So in this case I wouls say the track should take the 20mil offered and land offered and move and build a bigger better place. To me it just seams smart to take the money and move while its offered rather than fight a loosing battle and be closed with no compiensation.

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First of all let me state I never understand why when a race track or airport have been some where for a long time, why do people move in and try to close it because they dont like the noise. They knew it was there when they moved in. How ever when something like that happens it seems like its just a matter of time before the track does close. So in this case I wouls say the track should take the 20mil offered and land offered and move and build a bigger better place. To me it just seams smart to take the money and move while its offered rather than fight a loosing battle and be closed with no compiensation.

I believe the Fair board is pretty much going along with the buyout as you mentioned and are looking at the new location but there are many unanswered questions here. Number one, where does this money come from and number two, who is "giving" them the new land for the fairgrounds. As I understand it, the fairgrounds board has tried to shut down the auto racing for a couple years now at the urging of the new neighbors there and should they build a new fairgounds there is no guarantee that this present board would even consider putting an auto race facility on the fairgrounds proper. This petition is meant to show the board that the fans want the track and preferably where its at right now. There is no guarantee that if they do take the buyout and rebuild on a new location that the tree hugers will not make the same demands at the new location. So I think its better to take a stand with right where it is now at instead of giving in which we all know will only lead to more concessions in the future.

I think everyone will agree with your thinking about why someone moves into someplace knowing well what is there and then complains about it after they buy. That will never change. NIMBYs have always been a tough bunch to deal with. NIMBYs are "Not In My Back Yard" folks who apply little thought to who was there first, rather they feel they are there now so you go, not them. It would amaze you to learn how much those people cost us like the ones who got their houses soundproofed at tax payer expense because they built them under the most active runway at San Antonio International Airport.

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I bet that if the track is shut down, there will not be another track built! JMO

Unfortunately Snowball, I think you are right. And its a shame it will happen this way. Can anyone imagine Nashville, TN without a weekly auto race? :(

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Back about 7 or 8 years ago when they built the new superspeedway track right outside of Nashville they were supposed to also build either a half mile or five eights asphalt track also on that same property. They got the big track built and for whatever reason they decided not to build the short track. Don't know what happened on that deal. This is back when Bob Harmon was the promoter at the Nashville Fairgrounds track. It would be ashamed for this great race track to be torn down. I have been going to races up there since back in the early 70's. This has always been one of my favorite short tracks that I go to. You have got a perfect view of the race track no matter where you sit at in the grandstands...........Lets all hope that things can be worked out for the best and this great track does not get torn down. What a shame that would be.

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