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THR points fund for 2004


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The demise of the 50/50 ticket sales program pretty much killed the points fund at THR for the 2003 season. I'd like for this thread to explore ideas about raising money for the points fund for 2004. Maybe we can come up with something that will last for a couple of years before some legal expert shoots it down because of some tax law. Something that the teams and track could do together would be perfect, but I'm at a loss at the moment for what that would be. What did you SAS folks do in the face of this issue?


Any ideas?

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At SAS, FASCAR is still trying to recoup the funds that were raised during the first half of the season . . . with no luck so far!


We're also getting a CPA to help us find some way to raise funds and still not be considered gambling. We had hoped that FASCAR could get a non-profit status to administer the funds. But that may not be so easy either, since we're not a church or school organization. I understand it's quite costly to change an organization's status to non-profit, and we were willing to pay what it takes to make it happen. However, we've found out we not be able to give funds to "for-profit" individuals (strange but that's how the drivers are classified!). Even if we have to pay taxes on the money, we're hoping we can figure out a way to conduct raffles and drawings without being considered illegal gambling. We feel that FASCAR can safely administer the 50/50 fund because of our financial accoutabilility in our by-laws. I don't our drivers could handle another year of being "ripped off!" Our goal is to come up with some solutions before next season, and we'll certainly share them with the other tracks. I hope you'll also share any of your ideas.


In the meantime, we continue to recycle printer cartridges, which brings in about $100-$200 a month. We wish we had more drivers participating because so far most of the donations have come from FASCAR members. The Earnhardt racing team donated lots of used cartridges last month, which was a big help. And Affordable Trailers was kind enough to store them for us until we were able to pick them up. Dennis and Jean Nessar handle the cartridge sales, and FASCAR members will even pick them up if necessary.


Just curious . . . what happened to the 50/50 fund at THR? Did some turn y'all in to the State Comptrollers office also? That's something I'll never understand!!!

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Not sure exactly what happened, but I believe Mr. Callaway probably had someone tell him about the troubles SAS was having with it. He may have done away with the program before being forced to, but I'm not sure. Either way, he probably knew it wouldn't work over time.

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Nope! What's really strange is that he had asked our announcer why none of us had called him a few weeks ago as we had committed on TSZ. Following his comment, I called him a couple of days later and left a message with both my home phone number and cellular number. I even sent a follow-up e-mail. Since then, we've made several more phone calls and left messages. He has not returned any of our calls. I called again this evening, but so far haven't received a response So, no, it doesn't look promising that we'll ever see the money. And you can bet on it that I will announce it on TSZ if (when) we ever get it!

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I am not really sure what happened to the points fund but I am sure it was there and if they really cared for us they would have had a sponsor for it if the money was not there. I almost wanted to tell THR to keep the trophy and hand me the cash, it works alot better for me on purchasing parts but it happend no money so I will take the trophy. It is just funny that the word (no points fund) was not told to all the drivers that there was no points fund this year. I heard this from one driver to the next to the next then to me. We can only hope that it gets alot better next season.


For SAS I have not recieved my Oct.fast check in the mail so did they run off with that to?

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racing math 101 (no points fund + higher tire and parts prices + no increase in prise money= lower car counts)now how about Houston ,Kyle ,CC speedway and SASall have a tire changing challaange fans coud change a racing tire for lts say $1 a try and every month they could have a run off to crown a monthy champ ant the end of the year have achampion that would recieve a nice throphy.if everyone did this you coud have a texas champion crowned at one of the big multy class races.texas stock car spectacular ,space city 125,or octoberfast . I have no idea if it would bring in alot of money but is would be fun. What does anyone else think?

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Why do they call the clas the A-Line Auto parts street stocks? If they are a sponsor of the class where does themoney go that they put into it. Are they called the A-Line streets b/c A-line comes up with the weekly purse to race.

Another way to create an approximate point fund would be to take an "X" # of dollars from the back gate multiplied by the number of cars that race a class over a given season therefore paying the track champion of that class based on the # of competitors he raced against. Take a higher dollar amount as you move up in the class.

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Why do they call the clas the A-Line Auto parts street stocks?




I'm not sure exactly what a class sponsorship involves at THR. I can tell you that they contributed several things to be given to the points champions at the banquet. We came home with some cool stuff that they donated as well as two gift certificates to any of their stores.


As far as the weekly purses, I'm not sure if they contribute to those. I like your idea about money coming from the gate, but that's money that the track counts on to pay the weekly purses, so I don't know if they would dedicate it to the fund or not.


Hey TQ - will you pass some of these ideas on at the staff meeting?



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The banquet was well done. The food was good, and there were no fights! ;) The turnout was pretty good - I think a little smaller than last year.


Nice trophies were awarded to 1st through 3rd in all classes, including the pure stocks, and plaques were given to 4th and 5th place finishers in each class. Each champion also received some goodies from class sponsors (toolboxes, ice chests, etc.)



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I'd like to get some feedback from you guys about this idea: adding a buck to the pit pass fee at Thunder Hill and kicking that buck into the points fund. That would result in a points fund of some $15,000 by itself, and the track would work on other ways to add money to the fund. (One suggestion is kicking in an additional $100.00 any night a class has more than 20 starters in the feature.)

Part of this idea would be to keep a running count of how much is in the points fund, and posting it every week on the THR web site. Comments?

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