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STS Website

Rusty Nut

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When will the STS website be updated? Last update was 19th of Sept. Think it usually happens the day before the races but it might be smart to update it sooner in the week. Could help to get more people on the track and in the stands if they can plan ahead. Might want to put up the new track times on the site too. Just a few suggestions. See ya Sat...



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I agree with all of you very much, hey buddy a little help please.


No really guys the site is great and Jason has done a great job putting it together he just does not have the time to maintain, Jason would you agree to turn over updates to someone else? No who do we find that knows how to do what Jason does? Any thoughts??




PS Jason does it for free, he does not ask for pit passes or any other perks, good deal for me if you know what I mean.

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I agree with all of you very much, hey buddy a little help please.

No really guys the site is great and Jason has done a great job putting it together he just does not have the time to maintain, Jason would you agree to turn over updates to someone else? No who do we find that knows how to do what Jason does? Any thoughts??

Owen PS Jason does it for free, he does not ask for pit passes or any other perks, good deal for me if you know what I mean.


It seems the website is very well designed, and although it was done for free, time spent to maintain, as well as the proper knowledge in how to design and maintain a website is not cheap.

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To Jason, the webpage designer and "official updater". I don't know who you are, but you do have a really cool website. IMO I would think that someone who does, what you do, would want a Really good name in the web graphics design business.... I'm not saying that you don't, but I hear ALOT of complaints out at the track about not having the correct info, prices, updates on drivers, points and such. Heck I even over heard a gentleman Cliff Swint say that he had been asking for a name change since the beginning of the year.... You have him down in the Texas Thunder class as Cliff Swift. I realize also that you do this out of the kindness of your heart, but do you think you could dig a little deeper and update the site on a more regular basis, so people like me can keep up with the track and all that's going on out there. I Thank you in advance.... Keep up the Work and the track will prosper more and Mr. Pittman WILL continue to have the best track in South Texas. B)

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The name being wrong is not Jason's fault that is mine sorry, it should be corrected when the latest points are updated.


Jason does a great job and in his defense I am not able to get him results and points until later in the week lots of times because I work everyday and do not always have time.



maybe somebody woulkd offer to do owens job and jasons job and then they could sit in the stands and point out what needs to be done and when the races were over they could go home hop in bed get up in the morning and think of some others things that could be done

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