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HMP race 9-1

speed demon 7

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I am donating my winnings from the 9-1 race to Texas Childrens Hospital through my Racing for a Cure fund. I am also having a bunch of foam fingers made up with the logo, that we will sell for $5 each. Of that $5, $4.9999 rounded up will go to the charity. An account has been opened at Washington Mutual for this charity. The goal for the year is $10,000, but due to my work load earlier in the year, I was unable to get started until now. I am hoping to raise at least $5,000 to be presented to Texas Childrens in December. This will be an annual deal. I will have a web page up as soon as I can find someone who can help me with it. For now, if you would like to donate, you can bring cash, or a check made out to Racing for a Cure or Arthur Hermiz with Racing for a Cure on the memo line, to the races on Saturday. I will ask Graham to mention it at the drivers meeting. This is a good cause, they help out a lot of people who can't afford treatment.


If you want to go straight to the bank to donate, the account number is 3572726782. There is currently $1 in the account. I will update each week how much we have raised and if anyone has any questions or comments, call me at 281-541-1301 or just leave me a message here. Thanks for all the support.


Arthur Hermiz

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