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HMP Prostock video from 8-18

speed demon 7

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Heres the video from last nights race, we finished third, the track was real slick. Hope everyone enjoyed it. The crowd was awsome considering it rained for 2 hours. Thanks to Graham and the rest of the Baker family and Staff for an awsome night.



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Thanks racer61, I should have gone on the outside more, but the track was tooooo slick. Everytime I tried to make a run on the 1 car, his car would get loose and push me out of my lane and I would lose ground, I only tried it a couple times with him.


By the way, the car that I bought from you is the car we are going to try to run at Kentucky Speedway next year. We haven't got it started yet, but we are getting ready too in the next couple of weeks. If you find that nose peice, bring it with you to Houston if you are coming for the TSRS race.

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