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free general admission

speed demon 7

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Well, August 18th is free general admission at HMP thanks to the Houston Chronicle. I meet with vendors on a daily basis and I always carry flyers with me to hand them to invite them to the races. Last race I sent 50 faxes out with a map and schedule and an invitation. I am going to do it again this week. Lets make it Standing room only!!! There was over 500 people in the stands. I think we can get 800 this week. That is more exposure for your sponsors. I'll tell you, it really felt good to stand up in winners circle and see the grand stand completely full. Lets get some more fans out there and have a good ole time. If anyone needs flyers to give out in there area, call me or get a hold of the track. I am on the north side, you can catch me in Conroe or around i45 and Ritchy.


Arthur Hermiz


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