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Thought this was a good thing to do


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One day last month I was at SA International when I noticed an honor guard unit forming on the tarmack near one of the large private hangers. A few minutes before a chartered jet arrived, the honor guard - absolutely spit-shined and crisp - was called to attention. There were also a great many officers, civilians and others waiting to greet the plane. I expected the president to walk out of the plane at any second.


Instead, the soldiers (all different branches) opened the cargo area where there was a coffin draped in our national colors. No one got off the plane and the entire group watched as the honor guard carefully and with full ceremony procedures removed the coffin and place it in a waiting hearse. Everyone around me stood stock still and you could hear people sniffling. Serveral of us vets stood at attention and offered our best rendition of a military salute....


Even after the hearse had left - under full military escort - many of us just stood there out of respect.


This is the way it should be for a fallen American hero...



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I agree, Nick.

I've done several of these with the Patriot Guard Riders, and get a lump in my throat every time.

Good thing I wear sunglasses. Would't do my reputation any good for people to see me crying like a little kid so much...


May God Bless our Fallen Heros....

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