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Modified top six(unofficial)


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I bow in owe of all the modified drivers......Thsy are trully talented...you really don't understand how fast they are unless your trying to keep up, and their passing you like your standing still. You all have my respect...Drive on....

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I bow in owe of all the modified divers......Thsy are trully talented...you really don't understand how fast they are unless your trying to keep up, and their passing you like your standing still. You all have my respect...Drive on....

what happen to your car Ken i looked up after the 25 rolled and you were gone

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I went back to the gas after the last caution... The motor would take off then go flat.. Then it would take off again... I had no reason to stay out their and risk it so I came in to see what the problem was.... I hopped real bad in the corners, I couldn't get a clean slide... When I hit the gas in the corner the tires would wiheel hop. I lost lots of time coming out of the turns. After the race we noticed that after contact with the 86 the tow was way off. I hope to keep workng on it and make it better. I was almost out of methanol at the end of the race, maybe the lack of weight caused the wheel hop? Maybe I need to lower the right rear? Is wheel hop common in modifids? It definitly is a learning curb.....

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I went back to the gas after the last caution... The motor would take off then go flat.. Then it would take off again... I had no reason to stay out their and risk it so I came in to see what the problem was.... I hopped real bad in the corners, I couldn't get a clean slide... When I hit the gas in the corner the tires would wiheel hop. I lost lots of time coming out of the turns. After the race we noticed that after contact with the 86 the tow was way off. I hope to keep workng on it and make it better. I was almost out of methanol at the end of the race, maybe the lack of weight caused the wheel hop? Maybe I need to lower the right rear? Is wheel hop common in modifids? It definitly is a learning curb.....

shocks maybe?

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I will get full results out as soon as possible guys, sorry for the delays I forgot the score sheets at the track. Here is what I remember.



1. Aaron Hudgeons

2. Mickey Helms

3. Johnny Torres

4. Jim Rabe

5. John Heinaman



1. Ziggy Reusser

2. Andy Anderson

3. Ricky Long


Thanks to all those that came out and supported, good show 17 Mods, 18 Limited Mods, 15 Pure stocks, 10 Hobby, and 5 Thunders.


Thanks Again


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