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I just wanted to clarify my take on the White's. My 21 year old son cuss and discuss this issue often and have finally agreed to disagree. He has never seen Bill race but grew up watching Paul and the Great Keith Green do battle in the old Wing Modified class. He stands firm that Paul is the best. I say "but son you never saw Bill race". I do agree that it is a hard call to make, but I have never seen anyone BETTER than Bill! The boy's success has came with Bill's advice and believe me they listen. Several years ago a local businessman but up a $5,000 to win 10 lap race. Keith qualified for the pole (IMCA Modified). On the 1st lap Keith dropped a cylinder. Keith never moved off the bottom not for one second! And won on 7 cylinder's.

At the after race interview he said "Dad told me that what ever happens don't move off the bottom!" $5,000 word of advice.

The greatest move I ever saw was Bill running an old Jack Babgy super modified @ Heart O' Texas. Bill had placed an L88 427 in the little super and was a good second faster per lap than anyone on the track. There was a 3 car battle for the lead with Bill closing on them in a hurry. The 3 car battle entered turn 3 door to door. If anyone knows HOT 3 cars door to door in turn 3 will not work! It's a 2 grove track at best!

Bill is flying down the back straight much much faster that the 3 way battle in turn 3. I am thinking lift Bill lift as he approaches the 3 wide battle, but he didn't lift one bit. And as if he disappeared and came out the other side he was in front!!! How he went through a 3 wide battle in turn 3 without lifting or hitting someone I can't explain. But God and Kenny Smith is my witness it happened and did i mention that the left front never touched the ground all the way around the track.

So if my writing has been misleading, (and I confess, I am no writer) Bill is the greatest ever! Yall can debate Paul and Keith all you wish! (LMO)

Kenny Kemp

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Great point Bobby! I have told my son "one thing is for sure we have seen some of the best racers to ever come out of Texas!"

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