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Looking for anyone to show a car/truck at Relay for life


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We would like to have two car/truck at the Relay night event. If anyone could help us out or have any question email or PM me. So any driver that would like to bring out there car/truck please let me know ASAP.


I have one confimed which is Mona. Thanks Mona.


Here is some info:

Dates: Friday May 4th

need the car out there no later then 3:30pm


Still working on the end time.


The event it's self don't get over until 7am on May 5th.


Our on site fundraising is taking a photo by a race car. For a donation to relay.


If anyone would like more info or to help us out with bring out your car please get in touch with us via email.




Still looking for the donations.

Again thanks in advance.


Richard and Dorothy Suberg

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we are still planning on showing up. it has been crazy the past few weeks. Let me know for sure if we can still help...




By the way the greater randolph area relay for life is April 27-8 from 7pm to 7am. Hope to see some of you metrocom area racers there. contact is Michelle Sutton 421-4698, mishelmybell@satx.rr.com.

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