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The weather radar at 10:20 a.m. indicates that there are showers in the CC area at the present time. The forcast is for 70% chance of NO showers this afternoon.


Hopefully CCS will let us know if they decide to postpone or cancel this evening's racing program.



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The weather radar at 10:20 a.m. indicates that there are showers in the CC area at the present time. The forcast is for 70% chance of NO showers this afternoon.


Hopefully CCS will let us know if they decide to postpone or cancel this evening's racing program.




I have checked with the track and only a light drizzle has fallen. It's suppose to clear up about 2 p.m.

At this time that's the report. We will let everyone know when we know. Thanks Carol Youcm

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We have some acumulated water on the inside edge of the track but no standing water in pits of parking lot. It is raining lightly right now but it looks like it will blow over. As of right now we are still racing tonight. I will update in about an hour.

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