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How to post a pic in this section


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The file size of the file should not be larger than 1000 KB (1 Megabyte) and should be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file.


To add a pic to a new post in an existing thread:


1) Click on "More Reply Options" near the bottom of the page.


2) At the bottom of the text box click on "Choose File" which will take you to your computer's file system.


3) Find the file name of the pic you want to post and double click the file name. The file name will then appear to the right of the "Choose File" box.


4) Click "Attach This File" which is just below the "Choose File" box.


5) Post your post like you always do. Your picture will appear at the bottom of the post. Or if you want your pic to appear at someplace other that at the bottom of the post, position your cursor where you want the pic to appear, then click "Add to Post." The file name of the pic will appear where you placed it. Then post your post like you always do.



To add a pic to the 1st post in a new thread you are starting:


1) At the bottom of the text box click on "Choose File" which will take you to your computer's file system.


2) Find the file name of the pic you want to post and double click the file name. The file name will then appear to the right of the "Choose File" box.


3) Click "Attach This File" which is just below the "Choose File" box.


4) Post your post like you always do. Your picture will appear at the bottom of the post. Or if you want your pic to appear at someplace other that at the bottom of the post, position your cursor where you want the pic to appear, then click "Add to Post." The file name of the pic will appear where you placed it. Then post your post like you always do.



Have fun! Nick

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  • 4 months later...

At the end of every file, there is an extension. Example: Picture1.jpg The file name is Picture1 and the extension is JPG file. A JPG or a JPEG or a PNG file extension indicates that the file is in a particular format that the Lone Star Speedzone software uses to post pics..


Hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nick, I understand how to attach the pic but I can't figure out how to resize? Most of mine are over 1000 KB.


Thanks, Kenny

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If you are using any version of Windows, there is a program in the accessories called "Paint." It's old, but it works.


1) Open the pic in Paint.


2) Click on Image


3) Click on Stretch/Skew


4) In the Stretch section, type in the percentage of stretch you want in both the Horizontal and Vertical boxes. Make sure the percentages are the same for both the horizontal and vertical or the pic will distort.


To make the pic smaller, type in a number less than 100. To make the pic larger, type in a number more than 100. I usually try 50% and if it looks about like the size I want to post, I save it and post it. You can play with the numbers to make it any size you want.



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Thanks Nick, I have been playing around in Paint for some time now, but hadn't figured that out!

Blessings, Kenny

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  • 2 months later...



I had lunch last week with Bill White, Ron Babbitt, and Don Anderson. Don is Ron's brother-in-law. I had met Ron at Bill's place last year and we discussed old racing pictures and such. Don was a mechanic for several of the old-time racing vets in the Houston area and did some racing himself.


Ron said Don had some old racing pictures that he might share with me. Don is on the road a lot showing the Ricky Bobby, Wonder Bread car from Talladega Nights, but he finally had some time to come up to Temple and bring his collection.


Let me tell you... It is quite a collection of just about every kind of vehicle that raced on a track from the 40's through the 70's. Most are from Arrowhead, Playland, and Meyer Speedways. He must have had several hundred that included programs too. We spent several hours going through them. He has an amazing memory for what each car was, its engine, and all the drivers. I thought he might just have a dozen or so that I could take and scan to post here. However, he had so many, there was no way I could handle all those pictures with my scanner. I suggested he take them to some copy place like Kinko's and have them put them all on CD's or DVD's. He said he would look into that.


If not, I will try to take a few at a time when convenient for us to get together. I don't know if he trusts the mail to get them back and forth between us.


Also, I don't know if there might be copyright problems in trying to have a copy place do them. A lot were taken by track photographers with their names on the back of the photos. I was wondering if you, or anyone else here, might have any suggestions on how to handle this. Don is interested in having them digitized because the older ones are starting to deteriorate and fade.


An interesting coincidence... all four of us were at Playland that Saturday night in September, 1959, when Blackie Lothringer had his terrible accident. Don and Bill were in the pit area.

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  • 11 months later...


I will be assisting Nick with monitoring and editing the "Texas Racing History" and "Where Are They Now" forums.


A couple of points to keep in mind:


It may amaze some of us, but there are still many folks out there who are still on "Dial Up" service. And some older computers are very slow which limits their ability to deal with large files or posts with a several large pics embedded in them.


So, please do not post more than five pics in a single thread. We want all the pics you have, but please post them five at a time.


Photos should be no larger than 1000 KB (1 Megabyte) and should be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file.


I am here to assist whenever I can with your postings.

Here is a general way to prep your photos.

Scan your photos and save to your hard drive or document folder or file of your choice. Most computers have a program that will ask you how to save your photo ( JPG, JPEG, BITMAP, etc.)

After the computer has downloaded your photo document, simply right click and click on "Save As" option and your photo is saved where you want it to go by options offered by your computer. Save as JPG or JPEG.

Avoid posting links to photos that are on other websites. If that other site takes the pic down, then it is no longer visible here either.


If you need help with pics, please PM Nick or me.


Hope this helps.


"Midget 85".
Moderator LSSZ

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  • 3 months later...

Programs for editing are usually available with most computers. Once you get use to using them, it is easy to edit your photos.

Have fun!

-Randy :)

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  • 6 years later...

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