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Tonight was the rosary for PAUL REYES. PAUL came to the shop three years ago and was looking for a car to build for his son. he talked about doing it together with his son paul. he said he loved watching his son race carts and now wanted to move him up. after talking to the father and son team i gave them a nova i had. it was built by the father and son team and PAUL smiled from ear to ear when that car hit the track. when his boy won two weeks in a row this season they came by and i thought that the father and son team had won daytona from there happiness.


this past week the dad past away from a motorcycle wreck. we as racers have always stuck together to support each other when one is in need. they need to know we are here if needed. all that met this father-son team know that they are first class. may god be with you during this time of sarrow.



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o man , i heard the name on the radio, and thought ...no way couldnt be...


man , i have raced with the "rabbit" (jr.) on the computer for a couple years now, did not know his Dad..


yo Rabbit!!! you got my email if you need anything or just to talk bro


here... alttuede@satx.rr.com



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