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Guest bigfat

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Guest bigfat

Just wanted to apologize to my fellow competitors for being a cheater. I had 2 inch offset racing wheels on my car and we are only allowed to run 3 inch offsets. I did measure the wheels but I did it with the tire on the wheel. Thanks for setting me straight Jeff.


Even with the DQ is was the really awesome racing the THR 83 and the rest of you guys and gal. Congrats on your second Feature win @ SAS, Bryon. Don't get used to it though. I'll be back. I'm coming for your THR trophy this saturday and yes my camber is under and inch now and my 3 inch offsets are ordered.

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Getting a DQ doesn't make you a cheater. Some of the finest racers I know have had a DQ next to their name in the finishing order at one time or other. Just learn from the experience and move on!


Nick Holt

Very good point Nick. Jody, don't lose any more sleep over it. You'll be fast with the correct wheels too.


See you at THR.

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A few years ago some one in the sportsman div. was DQ for his flywheel being too lite. rules say 15lbs. his was 14lbs 78oz. all that was because of the flywheel being resurfaced. if he was going to cheat he would have used a 9lb. were it would have made a difference. bottom line is although it was over sight it doesnt mean your a cheater

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Guest bigfat

Thanks for all the "we know you didn't mean it's". It was an oversight by a dumb rookie. The cheater comment towards myself was said in jest. Stupid would be a better description. :lol:

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Come on now, it's over with. Your nuckles can't take much more of that. :D


Let me know how much the wheels are and I will buy them for you, since I am the one that gave you the illegal ones. I will make it right for you. I really feel bad that the wheels cost you the race. I did'nt know that you had an offset rule.



Mona Turner

#19 SAS Roadrunner rookie 2006

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Guest bigfat

So you want to spend money for being nice to me????? You're crazy. My knuckles are just a tad bit sore and skinned. Nothing that won't happen again. That was from running out of gas anyways. I broke my Buddy Hollies when I got DQed. lol. I appreciate all that you and Wesley have done for me. Without the things (Racing seat, Welder, Starter, Wheels, Tools, knowledge) yall have given me my car would be sitting there like BOBBY'S ;) I was a tad bit hot when it happened but I think I was more imberassed than anything else. It's no where near yalls fault. But I sure appreciate the gesture. Your my favorite sponsor by far. Now can I have the rest of my trunk sticker?


Post Script,


There's plenty of trophies left. I'm sure I'll get 1 or 11 more. ;)

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Those wheels were not illegal under roadrunner/WOW rules. We did not have an offset rule.


I really feel bad about this happening to Jody, even though it did cause his head to shrink back down a little. I was really getting worried on how he was going to get out of his car without major modifications to the roof.LOL

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