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Interesting Insights About SAS


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As you might expect, we often get e-mails, letters and phone calls at SAS concerning our racing program, concessions, questions, facilities, etc.


I thought I'd share a note with you that we received yesterday from Rev. Henry Smith. For those of you who don't know him, Henry is the Associate Pastor at Crestview Baptist Church in San Antonio - and he's also our Pace Truck Driver. Although Henry is a SAS employee, I think he gives a lot of good advice to all of us. I especially like his "donkey" analogy.


Here's his note:


Deb & Rick (& Terry, Tammy & Stormie),


Thanks for the "perspective". I hope that all the fans, drivers, etc that receive it will take it to heart.


We (those who love asphalt/NASCAR racing in San Antonio) need to be reminded from time to time that we all want our speedway to succeed and to be around for a long, long time. Too often differences of opinion turn adversarial instead of being cooperative for the common good.


I once had a cartoon of two donkeys (no implication of "jackasses" intended) tied together with a rope. They each had a pile of hay in front of them but the rope was too short to allow them to both eat their pile at the same time. When they cooperated with each other and ate one pile and then the other, they were both full and satisfied. I hope that our racing community can learn to cooperate and be supportive so that we can all get what we want: the racers get a fair, quality place and organization to race with, the officials, sponsors, and owners get satisfaction (and profit) from the show/product presented, and the fans get a great show and continue to come back for more.


I appreciate both of you and the Dickerson's for your perseverance. I'm sure that there are times when just giving up or giving in would be the easy (and possibly even the "sane") thing to do but I'm glad that all of you are still going at it every day.


I know nothing about running or promoting a race track but it seems to me that you guys are doing the right things. I have not seen one selfish act on the part of the speedway staff and to my knowledge you have always taken the high road in conflicts and decisions. You have always done what you said you were going to do, including paying purses when the turn out or response was low. I appreciate the integrity the organization and its people have shown over the past year (+) and I am proud to be part of it in my small way.


Keep on doing your best to do what is best for our sport and it will pay off for all concerned.


I hope I didn't get "preachy" or out of line, I just wanted to express my thanks and deep appreciation for all of you and give you some "attaboys" and "attagirls." Under perfect conditions the jobs that all of you have would be tough enough, but given the hurdles you face and have faced you are all doing an outstanding job. There is no way you can make everyone happy, but do your best to upset the "right" people!*


Yours and HIS,


(Rev) Henry Smith


*Dr. Henry Cloud has a book (one of my favorites) entitled "9 Things You Simply Must Do". One of the 9 things is "upset the right people." Meaning do the right thing or make your decision because it is the right thing to do, regardless of how some might react. To put it another way, Herbert Bayard Swope said, "I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is try to please everyone."

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You are right...They work very very hard. I saw it "First Hand" during the ASA race. People would find it unbelievable as to what they do. For every one thing that people see at the races there are 50 things they dont see. Rick is a "Class Act" I believe he is the best thing to ever happen to SAS. Debbie is always going non-stop. She always has 10 or more things going at once. I cant begin to tell you how important she is to SAS. Then there is Tammy. If I had to put up with only half the stress and BS that she puts up with I would close the track down and go sit in a Fire Ant bed. Without her SAS would not exist. And dont sell yourself short. With out you in the Pace Truck it wouldnt be the same. All the employees and officals are not given enough credit in my book. I thank you all.

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