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I don't know that off the top of my head. But call the Promoter, Pat Wilson at 254-290-6262. Or email him at pwilson1@hot.rr.com. Either of those methods should get you an answer fast. I will have to wait until this evening to get it myself.


Tell him Sarge sent ya.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Texas Thunder Speedway PR/Media

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Sorry for being so late with this info. This is straight off of the Pay Out Sheet


1. $150

2. $100

3. $75

4. $60

5. $50

6. $40

7 -10. $30


Not sure about the rest. Again, call Pat Wilson at 254-290-6262, he is the promoter and will answer all your questions.


Hope this helps, and again, sorry it took me so long.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Texas Thunder Speedway PR/Media

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