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Cup Tire War Coming?


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A copyrighted story in today's Winston-Salem Journal reported that "...another Goodyear-Hoosier tire war may be brewing behind the scenes, with reports that Hoosier engineers are testing new tires with Nextel Cup teams and trying to baseline those tires on some specific compounds and designs, to mimic the Goodyears. One test was reported to have been held in the past week or so at Kentucky Motor Speedway, and the next test is reported to be scheduled for Nashville, both apparently with Dodge drivers. It is unclear which NASCAR Cup teams might be running the tests with Hoosier, and Hoosier's Bob Newton could not be reached for comment.(more at the Winston-Salem Journal)(3-13-2006)




Nick Holt

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:ph34r::ph34r: DANG nick when did you become such an investigative journalist? Oh wait thats from Jayski...


I hear hoosier is also developing a short track tire that is labeled Amrican Rcer. They have to completely redo the construction though to make them shorter. Strictly rumors though. Updates to follow!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r::ph34r:

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