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Daytona Truck Race


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Did anyone else tune in to watch the same 11 commericals over and over again briefly interrupted every 15 minutes or so by some race coverage? And how about that pit reporter at the end who felt compelled to say that the NASCAR green white checkers rule "stinks." Not a great career move I'm guessing.

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There was a race? I was enjoying the commercials and they kep't interupting them with a race. Contact SPEED and let them know.

While you're at it, how about having SPEED tell Michael Waltrip to quit "pimping" Aaron's damn Lucky Dog award every 35 seconds, and saying "did you know that David Reutimann is the driver for my brother Darrell" every-other time the #17 moved into the Top 5?


Between Mikey and the commercials, there was about an hour of "pure" truck race on tonight.

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And how about that pit reporter at the end who felt compelled to say that the NASCAR green white checkers rule "stinks." Not a great career move I'm guessing.


I think that pit reporter will be up for a nomination for an MZone Show's "Heroes" award!

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3 laps..commercial's... 3 laps commercial's...until there was 8 to go..im watching the pe race show now, and they dont have hardly any commercials....and what i couldnt understand was, that they never mentioned Robert Richardson, who had come from next to last up to 10th several times..all in all they sucked. jmo


very proud of the 1 team from texas..

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i felt the same way about them not mentioning Robert till just before they went off the air on of the announcers did say great run for robert richardson in his first start in that truck. not word for word but a pretty good mention.


way to go robert

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How do you think they pay for the million dollar purse? The alternative to commercials in pay per view. My guess is that there are more people willing to pay for commercials than there are to pay for pay-per-view.

How do you think the sponsors know that it is valuable enough to buy a commercial or set the rates for commercials? It's fans and viewer-ship!


Frankly I didn't get my money's worth from Rick Allen and his crew this time and if it doesn't improve in quality next broadcast then it becomes a waste of time watching it. Fans vote with their dollars. NASCAR wouldn't stand for pay-per-view... they are trying to build up CTS not destroy it.


The speed channel is responsible. I suspect greed. There seems to be agendas afoot that have nothing to do with RACE Coverage. Speed needs to limit Waltrip's shameless self-promotion, stay focused on the dynamics of the race, follow up on yellow flag action and diversify the interviews in the pits. Then fans won't mind the commercials. Poor job with Daytona.


BTW - The purse is determined by Ticket sales, track sponsorship, special promotions, and the venue itself. TV rights are only one factor and I'm guessing that the big TV bucks go to NASCAR, not the purse.



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The alternative is to go watch the race live, no commericials, no Rick Allen and crew.  That is ludicrous to say it is greed, I call that business.  Do you go to work or run a business for free?



You, of course, are entitled to your opinion however naïve I believe it is. Unfortunately, I read your response as both naïve and pointless. Allow me to try to clarify once more:


No one said "no commercials" except for you. The fans here and on many other race fan forums complained about "too many" commercials... And, that is the point. Fans tune into venues for the entertainment value, not to watch pitchmen endlessly hawk their stuff. The more fans that watch the venue.. the higher the value of the air time. Smart marketers BALANCE the entertainment and commercials which allows the fans to tolerate the interruptions. It's win-win. When you oversell the commercial time... then it is either a rookie mistake or greed. Since Rick and the boys at Speed Channel have been at it awhile, my guess is they are not rookies.


Sorry you don't agree! And, the answer to your ludicrous question is: No. No one would work for or run a business for free. One would work to maximize profits without losing the customer base by providing value added for a product in demand.


BTW - My degree is in business administration, major in marketing, along with a Masters in information systems management. I'm working on a second Masters in program / project management. I've been a regional marketing manager for a fortune 500 company, the president of my own engineering firm and director of marketing for another firm. Currently, I manage projects valued in 100's of millions of dollars. I've been in business for 33 years and pull down a six figure salary.


You obviously have a different point of view from mine and I might be missing something. What are your business credentials?



Edited by MagicMan
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I could get into an deep explanation to you on this, but it is not worth the time. The people are willing to spend money on commercials because they reach a huge captive fan base. Sponsorship on the trucks/cars connect the race fan to the ones buying the commercials. Unfortunatly, it takes a lot of money to race and sponsors are the primary source of income for the teams, so how can you live without them. And yes, sponsors need fans to buy their products, but I dont see people wanting to boycot a product because they ran a commercial during the race. If they are willing to pay the big bucks to sponsor the cars/trucks and pay for commercials, let it be. We need them. Just take a look at local racing, there are no sponsors o people willing to advertise without televison, and racing is dead because of it.

PS. If you want to compare tax returns, PM me for a meeting.

Edited by ferdinandsanford
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wow it started as a thread complaining about the commercials and it has turned into a comparison of the check books..............went downhill fast.............tehehe..............the commercials are a neccessary evil to fund the programing, but the race fans would just rather see them spread out a little more and not so many of them...........jmo but i dont make 6 figures so it might not count.............lol

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I could get into an deep explanation to you on this, but it is not worth the time.  The people are willing to spend money on commercials because they reach a huge captive fan base.  Sponsorship on the trucks/cars connect the race fan to the ones buying the commercials.  Unfortunatly, it takes a lot of money to race and sponsors are the primary source of income for the teams, so how can you live without them.  And yes, sponsors need fans to buy their products,  but I dont see people wanting to boycot a product because they ran a commercial during the race.  If they are willing to pay the big bucks to sponsor the cars/trucks and pay for commercials, let it be.  We need them.   Just take a look at local racing, there are no sponsors o people willing to advertise without televison, and racing is dead because of it.

PS.  If you want to compare tax returns, PM me for a meeting.



Judging from the content of your past posts and arguments, I doubt if you could get into anything resembling a “deep explanation”. Then, again, I could not care less. You simply do not have any credibility with me. However, I feel compelled to clear the record.


With respect to the original topic, "too many commercials on speed Channel's CTS coverage"; you have completely missed the point and respond to challenges by making huge unsupported comments without revealing any background facts. You expound the obvious and speak in generalities when the discussion requires objectivity. Your comments above represent a perfect example.


Here is the scorecard:

1. Members on this forum complained of "too many" commercials on the Daytona CTS coverage, others made the same observation. Nobody ever proposed there should be "no commercials".


You said, "How do you think they pay for the million dollar purse?"

You also said, "The alternative to commercials in pay per view."

Fact: TV commercials do not fund the "million dollar purse".

Fact: Your reference to a pay per view alternative is irrelevant because NASCAR decided long ago to contract (franchise) TV rights for CTS. It was first covered on ESPN, then followed by the SPEED Channel.


2. In the thread, it was explained that there was a direct relationship between venue, fan attendance, and viewership, which determines the "value" of commercial airtime. It further explained that overselling commercial airtime ALWAYS results in fan discontent and drives down viewership. This, in turn is generally counter productive to the venue. No one ever said "no commercials."


You said, "The alternative is to go watch the race live, no commercials, no Rick Allen and crew."

Fact: NASCAR has a great TV or Radio marketing strategy. TV and Radio coverage is good for the sport. There is no cause and effect relationship to your comment.


You said, "it takes a lot of money to race and sponsors are the primary source of income for the teams, so how can you live without them.”

Fact: There's a blast of the obvious. However, you neglect to mention the sponsor's ROI (return on investment). Do you think RHR #11 got a good ROI out of speed's coverage? Did the #6 2005 CTS driver get an interview at Daytona? On the other hand, did we instead see 11 paid commercials repeatedly? That is, when Michael Waltrip wasn't pimping his own interests. (However, that is a different topic.)


You said, "I don't see people wanting to boycott a product because they ran a commercial during the race."

Fact: No one ever mentioned a boycott and it was not was not just "a commercial".


I'm always in awe of those who fail to see the forest for the trees and can't be objective in their judgments. I've enjoyed a lot of success in my career choices both in the private and public sector and expect to continue to do so. So, if you don't want to consider any different points of view - that's your thing and it is fine. I certainly don't need your consent or approval to reinforce my self-esteem.


Thats all.

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