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The Texas Boys @ Daytona


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Kudos to both Labonte boys...

Terry, more so, because he ran a good solid race and was in the right place at the right time at the end of the race..he's got a good team, as we found out when we visited with him in March @ TMS...I still say Texas Terry will take a checkered flag before the end of the year!


For Bobby, a great finish since he usually doesn't do very well at the restrictor-plate tracks...now, realize this: in my personal opinion, the BIG reason (physically and strategically) for the 18-team's success is undeniably Fatback McSwain, the crew chief...he called a great race, and altho he came up a little short on gas, he still put Bobby in a position to win the race..he's made so many moves during races to help put this team where it is today--4th place in the points, with a realistic shot at winning the championship...


That said, Kenseth was just amazing....once again, showing why it's gonna take a major upheavel to displace the #17 at the top of the standings...

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You got me baffled on this one. Let's see here, ummm...oh yeah, That whole Texas Terry thing! I remember now. Terry is from Corpus, that would make him a Texas boy. They even named a park after them. Used to be Nuecess, now LaBonte Park. How many NASCAR drivers actually live in their home state? No many... but they still claim where they are from. <_<



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that would be like me when i lived in bremerton wa. racing their saying i was from austin tx , and i was not a readent of texas at the time i was racing their. so now do you see what im tring to say . if your not live in the state you say and a readent of the state you say your from you should not say your from that state .

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texas is the home state of Terry and Bobby.Terry still has the outline of the state with the colors of the Texas flag inside of it .They were both born in Texas they just work in other states.

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Yeah, I know what you mean, but just because you live in another state doesn't mean you still can't be a Texas resident. I live in Florida, but I am still a Texas resident. When someone asks me where I am from, I say Corpus Christi, Tx. No matter how long or how far Terry and Bobby live away from Texas, they will always be Texas Boys. Once a Texan, always a Texan.



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Its all in what your proud of! Are you proud to be from Texas, then you can claim to be from Texas. If the fans are proud you are from Texas, then they will claim you as a Texan. Geez, lighten up! ;)

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i understand what yall are saying .but when you get a drivers lic. in another state your a resadent of that state ,i know i was in the navy for 10 years ,i was a washington resadent for about four years . but getting back to what i was tring to get is they make it sound they stil live here .im sorry i got yall upset at me but if your proud to be a texan then live in texas like i said sorry to get yall upset at me i will leave this subject alone so their will be no hard feeling with all

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No hard feelings man! :D No sweat, I am just big LaBonte fans.


I have been in the military 8 years and still have my original Texas drivers license that expired in Jun 1998. Here in Florida, you do not have to be a Florida resident to get a Florida drivers license. All you need is your original birth certificate and your old license and you are good to go.



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Terry is the man, he had kinda been the victim of sub-par

resources the last couple of years with the 24 and 48 teams

getting the good cars and set-up's ....

A big hat's off to Jim Long for getting Terry's program back on track

as well. Heard a rumor that Terry is looking to re-up on a new

contract that would carry him into retirement with Hendrick.

I bet Rick does it, only helps the 24,25 and 48 teams having someone

like Labonte to help teach these guys. Saturday night showed how

he earned the nickname "Iceman".

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First, 8racefan, I don't understand what you mean about fuel games. Are there two sets of rules, or is everybody just trying to do the best they can under the same set of rules?

Second, why get on Bobby and Terry because they have to live in the Carolinas to pursue their vocation? That doesn't keep them from being Texans, just from being current Texas residents.

You're probably going to see a number of other "Texans" moving to the Carolinas or elsewhere in the South to pursue their choice of careers. Bubba Naumann is living in Pensacola so he can race more; C. T. Hellmund still lives here, but is doing most of his racing in the western series; Casey Smith will likely have to move in the next couple of years as well.

But they're still Texans, no matter where they live, and being a Texan is so special that Conroe's Colin Edwards II, twice (or three times, I forget) world superbike champion, and 1993 500cc world champion Kevin Schwantz were always identified as "Texans," not as Americans, even when they lived in Europe most of the racing season.

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for first off i was not getting on them two i was just asking a quistion i did not understand it ,and second they both have live their for more than 6 mounths so their are resadent their . i know how it works i lived in washington state and lived their for 6 years and when i race their i did not say i was from texas so do you see what im saying . it all was a quistion ok .

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Terry owns a good-sized ranch in South Texas. From what I hear he is still seen around there from time to time. I believe his wife's family still lives in the CC area and they visit. Can we still claim him as our own since he has a residence here?


Just havin' fun!



or like my friend might say, "No worries mate!"

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Hey Outlaw22,

I keep in touch with Terry Labonte's PR guy once a week.

It's very true---they are working with HENDRICK MOTORSPORTS for one more contract that will allow Texas Terry to drive for HENDRICK MOTORSPORTS to retirement. Keep your fingers crossed. They truly are competitive again--"TLab" will take a checkered flag this year...



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I know what you are getting at Chuck, I hope it all works

out for him. I do think he has a good shot at maybe Bristol

or Martinsville the last half of the year, as long as he can rack up

some top 10's and 5's I'll be a happy man !!

I grew up watching this guy from HWY 16 Raceway to TWS

with Houston, CC and Austin in between so here's hoping

he can finish off yet another great comeback in his career .


RR 22

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