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Merry Christmas


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As we gather with families this Christmas weekend, please remember our Servicemen and women who are across the world perfoming their duties. Everyone on this board knows someone over there.


Let's also keep the families of racers we have lost in your thoughts. Ricky Jenkins, Ricky Brooks, Marv Fillip, Robert Reyes, and others whose names escape me at the moment.


We should also give thanks that our young friend Kevin Suberg is able to celebrate one more Christmas, as well as the other members of our racing family who have been ill.


And to all on this board, Merry Christmas, and a great 2006. Looking forward to March when we start making noise again.


Tom Taylor and Family

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all who are involved in any aspect of racing in Texas...


You all deserve the best...wishes for a safe, warm Holiday Season....


Be safe...

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