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post season checks


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imagine my suprise when i got an envelope from thunderhill today. aw... s#$T i thought,the 1090 is here early.i always judge a years racing not on how many races won, but how much "winnings" i have to pay taxes on and this year i only raced 3 times!!!!!!!! the nerve to tax me on that..........those [edited out by Nick Holt, 12/21/05] but as i opened the envelope,it was a check for my winnings at the last race i ran. now that is stand up. i had totally forgotten all about it and this is the first year i have recieved one.sometimes i think there is an escrow account in the bahamas with my name on it for like 87 dollars earning interest to help fund somebodies kite collection or something. i dont know who to thank but maryann had the endorsers honor so thank you,thank you very much.............xxxooodirty

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Since the Awards Banquet is not until the end of January, we went ahead and yesterday we mailed out the final checks from the end of the season, as they are normally given out at the banquet.  Although our CPA has a few that she has no addresses for so I am listing them below, if you see your name, email me and I will get it right out to you my email is maluvsracing@aol.com., the names are listed below.


Was part of the email Mary Ann sent out today.

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