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Cost comparison

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I've got a 1990 mustang w/ the 4 banger...and I'll probably end up back in the area once I graduate. Right now it is on it's last legs for street driving, but once I've got something else as a daily driver I can start to play with the mustang! Just wondering which type of racing would be easier to get into from a fresh start. I've got about another year before I'm out of school, so when I get my new truck, should I bother keeping the mustang, or put an ad in the paper? Any input from the veterans?



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I've never raced either but have been around both all my life. I would say dirt is cheaper. One main thing is Tires, you go through alot more tires on asphalt then you do dirt and that adds a up bunch! I would also say that if you learn on dirt you will be a better driver all around, dirt racin teaches you car controll you can use in any type of racing or car.

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ive ran dirt and asphalt i like asphalt in dirt its like you go in the turns and loose control of your car cause you kick it sideways and if you put the money where it needs to be you can built a mustang without a lot of money put it in the head thats where all the power is mustangs have strut towers not to hard to figure out but good struts are high get the best you can for the money you wanna spend . you can built the car for under $1,000. depends on how much stuff you can do yourself but i think asphalt cost more but it teaches you more how the suspension works



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Good deal! I can save some money, or at least offset some of the cost by selling parts not needed for racing too. All the glass is good, for example. Don't think I'll need the a/c compressor and all that jazz either. Total cost will be a biggy for me since I'll be fresh out of college, and straight into debt with student loans ( <_< ). Anyhoo, thanks for the advice folks, and I wouldn't mind more of it. Have a good one folks!



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