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Who wants the rules to change at


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Does anyone want the rules to change a specified race track in Texas:ie CC speedway, Thunder Hill, Houston Speedway,or San Antonio Speedway,and would it make it more attractive for you to race there every week?

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Guest RandyBorlace

yes ALLOW THE 56 CHEVY in roadrunner and Brandon McCall and myself should make it out a few times..... Brandon or Angel if you read this, call me 210 823 8962 i lost ya'll's # gonna get an engine together for the 56 if i get approval from Ya'll....

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Guest lidllarry

The all involved rule is the only thing that needs to change. It encourages follow the leader racing. The car rules are fine the way they are. I have seen fans get up and leave when the all involved rule is enforced. I dont blame them, if I wanted to go see a follow the leader deal, I would go to see a Parade.

Does anyone know where this rule originated? This is the only place in the country that I know that has it. There is more bumping going on at a track meet that the race track now.


Adding another Late Model Class and another racetrack to the arena, I hope there are 60 new cars to just sustain the same level of racing from last year.

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I am with lidllarry don't change the rules changing the rules every year or during every season is what keeps racers from bringing there cars out,they get tired of changing things just because certain people are running something that they shouldn't be but instead of making them take it off they change the rule, and the ones that go by the rules the way they state have no chance so they either races as they are with no chance of winning or are going out and buying the same part or parts to run with the cars up front,case in point the roadrunners last year with there shocks.Most of the roadrunners last year should not have been roadrunners if you put 8inch tires and a man.trans they could have ran with the sportsman cars.That has been the good thing about Thunder Hill i have talked with drivers up there and they say the good thing about there tech people they only change if its for the good of EVERYONE.

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Dont know what the tire rule is at sas for the lmsc but at Hickory Motor Speedway its a two tire a week deal. You are always running two new tires and two tires that you raced the week before. In 2004 they had no limit on tires and averaged probally 10-12 cars a race. In 2005 they swithed to two tires a race and avereaged around 20-22 cars a race.

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In years past, Jack has been very reluctant to make changes to the rules at THR. We appreciate that from a cost perspective. I think this year may be different, mainly because of the half-time schedule at THR next year. I suspect that both SAS and THR will make what some would consider "major" changes in their classes this year to allow for cars to run both tracks if they desire. I think it's a good plan overall, and we don't mind the added expense to make the changes for one year.


I just hope that SAS will work with THR by allowing their local classes some weeks off so that the benefit works both ways.

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"The biggest improvment needed at SAS is a Stable unchanging set of rules that keeps cars running at the track.The rule changes over the last 10 years has cost all the racers lots of money and some of us working racers (the ones that dont make a ton of money and dont have huge sponsors) kept us off the track due to the financial repercussions associated with those rule changes. Who ever thought up the idea that changing the rules would bring in cars that are not racing is WRONG all it does is run off the existing racers that have gottin tired of being broke all the time or saving all year to get to the track to find out they are still behind because the rules have changed again.I have raced under 7 that right 7 diffrent promoters with rule changes almost every year since 1986 now that all these promoters have come and gone all that is left are the racers with little or no money to show for there efforts.Leave the rules alone and get out and stir up some excitement about racing and the speedway. Or mabe it is just suposed to be a rich boys country club.JMHO"


RacerJim why did you start this thread if this is what you posted in another thread about race track improvments? I dont understand where you stand on this topic. Do you want rule changes to even playing fields for different tracks or not? I see it as one track race this week another the next that away cars can go to THR SAS CC or wherever on their off weekend. i have heard stories from my dad, my uncle Keith Riethmeyer, man im sure TX tom can tell a few when they would race in Austin one night and SA the next or even travel to Oklahoma to race a sunday show but you see the tracks had similar rules and they could do that.





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I think it's a good plan overall, and we don't mind the added expense to make the changes for one year.

"one year"???????????????? we're pretty tight and i think you know something i don't?

does it involve stapp racing or thr as a whole?


...and jc is right, sas changes their rules with the weather.

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Guest lidllarry

The two tire rule would open up another can of worms due to the fact you are encouraging participation from other tracks and series to race with your weekly series. Some one could show up with 4 stickers and there would be a big brawl over that. LOL That would be interesting for the Tech crew to police.

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no it's not they're stamped and dated........and the 1st time a guy comes to my sand box for the 1st time(limited experience) i would insist that he had 4 stickers, not protest it...............

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I think it's a good plan overall, and we don't mind the added expense to make the changes for one year.  

"one year"???????????????? we're pretty tight and i think you know something i don't?

does it involve stapp racing or thr as a whole?


...and jc is right, sas changes their rules with the weather.

I had to read your question a couple of times before I realized what you're getting at. No, I don't know anything, and we're planning on racing in the SS class as long as we can.


All I'm getting at is that we'll spend money to adapt to the rules this year in hopes that they will not change again next year. Hell, what choice do we have?


One thing that JC said is exactly what I was hoping for in 2006 - that the tracks would trade weekends off. That is apparently not going to happen.

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first of all congrats crazy on the championship.and yes s.a.s does change there rules with the weather or like the weather and thats what im affaid of them getting others to change with them.I know it might be good for racing if all have the same rules and we can go to different tracks but how many would go to other tracks and if so how many times 1 or twice that doesnt seem like enough times to make a lot or big changes. If s.a.s. is going to be under nascar they have to run so many races so that doesnt leave many chances for there cars to go to other tracks and because of the cost and amount of time and races when we do get time off we like to spend it with family doing other things.jmo

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wishful thinking had me invisioning a black #99 truck..........we're not to young or to old to call it a mid life crisis- are we?

happy birthday termite ! sorry i was late bro.............hope it was happy hunting.

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I hear people complaining about the rules being changed like the weather and the cost involved. In my opinion the four tracks need to get together and have a common set of rules for all the different local classes that race. These rules need to be phased in allowing the existing cars at least one year for minor changes and two years for major changes before being mandated. During that period weight penalties could be used to even out the field. This would create stability and allow racers with existing cars to compete. Also, people who are interested in building new cars can feel comfortable that their equipment won’t be outdated in a year.


Regarding the HMP purse, I believe HMP will have a severe hurdle to overcome regardless of the purse. From what I understand, without notice one night they decided that the modifieds were no longer going to receive a purse and just didn’t pay anyone. I’d appreciate it if someone who knows what happened would speak up. With that in minded if I had a car sitting in my garage, I’d be hesitant to spend any money fearing that they might do the same thing to me.

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The reason I started this thread is that SAS has chaned just about every rule there is in the last 7 to ten years.The whole NASCAR deal in the begining was that NASCAR had a set rulebook and that we would all be compliantto the letter of that rule book in 3 years.Well that was 4 track managers ago and alot of people spent a lot on money buying equipment that complied with the NASCAR rules. When we were NASCAR rules by the book we had the largest car count the the late model class has ever had. Now the last track manager decided that we needed to open up the rules to allow other series to run thier cars at SAS so the guys that race at SAS took off thier 350cfm carbs and changed to 8" tires form the 10" tires and changed back to the 500cfm carbs and bolted on adjustiable shocks.I guess the main gripe I have is that every time the management changes at the track they want to reinvent the wheel( change the rules to fit cars that race at other tracks).I know it has cost the track racers that would still be running there if there cars were legal or competive. Everytime the rules change it cost the racers money and a stable set of rules that a guy could cont on year after year is what we need not lets change this rule and that rule because we HOPE someone from another track will come a race with us once and a while.

I think that a guy that races at Thunder hill or CC speedway or with TSRS or Houston runs there for a reason most of the time is because of where the track is in realation to the racers home the other is they want to run at diffrent tracks and not have to run every week. If I am wrong I appologize to everyone for starting this thread. but to the track managers not that anyone have ever ask what I thought QUIT CHANGING THE TECH RULES and running off the racers you allready have it is like the racers telling the tracks they need to change the banking on the track or repave it every year. We need more cars at all the tracks and the guys that cant go out and buy a car that fits the rukes in one shot are the guys that are giving upbecause they cant spend the money as fast as the rules are changing.Sorry for all this but I have given up a big portion of my money and life for racing because I love the sport please dont kill it.

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By the way I am not tring to tell anyone how to run thier racetrack I just would like to know if people feel the same way as I do about the rule changes.I'm not knocking anyone either but he track managers have come and gone and the only thing that is left are the racers with lighterweight wallets.all replies are welcome

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I am not sure what happened to the modified purse, but I will ask tomorrow and see if I can find out. I know I am not the spokesman for HMP, but if I can help clear up things on this website, I would like to.


I know that the modifieds are supposed to be a big part of the schedule next year at HMP. They also have a purse program for next year that will hopefully help make it interesting.


What you are saying about the rules appears to agree with the majority on this website. We need to find a way to get tis information to the track promoters. Maybe they just need to know how the majority feels. As we have all said, it does still have to come down to economics. But I do agree. This sport is expensive enough. Just when you start to build up inventory, the rules change.

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Racerjim2 i agree with everything you said,that is the whole reason my dad sold his car and most of the reason i parked my own car and made it legal to run at thunder hill next year because they didnt change there rules every year or every half season, I have no problem with T.D. or any of the people he has working for him i to just am tired of spending money on parts that are only good for one season.I also agree with fast18 the rules for the fall brawl was a good set of rules and the cars from all tracks ran close with one another.

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FWIW, at the end of the season, I emailed Wayne N, at SAS, a few suggestions that basically echoes what Jim is speaking about. If you feel strongly about the direction your track is taking, write a letter and document it, share it and encourage others to sign it. Bitching on a website is easy, easy to hide behind a screen name and easy to join the herd.


As a former member of a rule writing committee for the SCCA, if you choose to take the initiative to write a letter, back it up with facts, not BS, to support you suggestions and make sure it benefits the majority. Because, no one is interested in racing in the "I/My" class. As well, be suggestive and constructive, not demanding!



Todd Farris


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I'm not sure if it was because of the rules changes or money, but this past year's late model racing at SAS wasn't as competitive as last year. There was 2 guys Joe Aramendia and Robert Barker usually battling for 1st and then it was who was going to finish 3rd. Larry Bendele, Danny Garcia, Jesse Salazar, Jason Smith, James Cole were the ones battling out the last year and the points championship wasn't decided till the final race between these 5, that's how close it was and the racing was exciting, I hadn't seen racing like that in years. You had like 7-8 cars racing bumper to bumper last year and anyone of those could have won. All of these racers hardly were seen racing this year with the exception of James Cole and Jason Smith in the SLM's. Horelka and Balzer weren't as strong as we've seen in the past, but these are just a few racers, I bet there are several others that have a car parked that we haven't seen in the past couple of years, well I'm just echoing what I hear on this board. If there was a consistent set of rules I bet we could have 16-20 cars in this class on a consistent basis. JMO

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Guest lidllarry

Racing on used tires is a joke. This isnt a demolition derby. If a guy want to race on stickers, whats wrong with that? Tires are a safety issue. If you cant afford to be safe, you dont need to be out there, and I wouldnt want to be out there with someone on junk tires anyhow.

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That is the stupidest thing I have heard of Lil larry. Your talking about running two new tires with two 50 lap used tires. How is two 50 lap used tires a safety concern? Just an idea to try and help car count. Obviously you dont relize the main reason why car counts are down.

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Guest lidllarry

Let me tell you what is stupid, that is getting someone killed because the rules did not allow them to buy safe tires. There are lawyers waiting in line for deals like that. Even someone injured is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Race ever other week if you just want to buy two tires a week, at least let the track be safe.

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