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Is there a percent of completion so we know about how far a long we are on the schedule and rules? Let us know something are we talking 2 weeks, or tomorrow. I'm not bustin your butt I just want to know if I should check every hour or every other day. Thanks!


Plus I'm tired of being a Floor Sweeper, I want a promotion! :D

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I am typing the SAS LM and SAS Sportsman rules this week. Once they are approved by the track owner they will be published. Don't think they're are many Road Runner rules changes.


Wayne is working on the SLM and TAMS and ARTS rules as I type.


Can't speak for CCMS or THR.


Thanks for your patience.


Nick Holt

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I am typing the SAS LM and SAS Sportsman rules this week.


Can't speak for CCMS or THR.


Thanks for your patience.


Nick Holt

Some of the THR SS teams were hoping that SAS and THR and maybe even CC would get together on their SS/Sportsman rules so that the THR teams that wanted to travel could run other tracks on their off weeks (every other week.)


Nick, am I interpreting these parts of your post correctly to say that this collaboration on the SS rules didn't happen this year?



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Some of the THR SS teams were hoping that SAS and THR and maybe even CC would get together on their SS/Sportsman rules so that the THR teams that wanted to travel could run other tracks on their off weeks (every other week.)


Nick, am I interpreting these parts of your post correctly to say that this collaboration on the SS rules didn't happen this year?



Your hopes are coming true!!


Terry, Wayne and I have met with Brian, Mary Ann and Jack and sought input from a wide variety of sources including teams, engine builders and chassis builders and put in a lot of time and effort into coming up with a set of LM and Sportsman rules that should work for everyone in South/Central Texas.


Will everyone be happy? Of course not. But, as Terry Dickerson told me on the phone, just a few minutes ago, these rules are a step in the right direction for all of us, not just the select few...


San Antonio Speedway will be adopting these rules and we are assuming that THR/TSRS will be adopting them as well. Of course, I shouldn't be talking for THR/TSRS, but I am assuming they are going with these rules since we all sat down together to work out whatever compromises were needed earlier this fall.


Terry also wanted everyone to know that he understands that everyone wants and needs the 2006 rules as soon as possible and that Wayne is hoping to have everything out by mid December.


Nick Holt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got home from SAS. Wayne and Nick were hard at work on the rules. They said it wont be long till they're done. I did notice that Nick had his Magic 8-Ball and Wayne had an old coffee can with some chicken bones in it. With that kind of technoligy at their dispossal Im sure the rules will make EVERYONE happy. Nick did say that if there is anything wrong with the rules,Its Waynes fault. ( I love stirring the pot!) :D:D:D:D:D

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Sure taking along time how many rules are thay changing?

It's not the number of rules that need changing. It's that we're doing the SAS classes as well as the three USRA touring series. If you've ever been part of an effort to write rules, you know that even writing one set is very time consuming - try doing 7 or 8 sets...


And we spent a bunch of time on the SAS/THR/TSRS LM rules. We held a number of meetings with those involved - Mary Ann, Brian, Terry, Jack, Wayne and myself - met with several race teams, conducted interviews with several drivers, race shops and interested parties from all over, had a few knock-down, drag-outs over some of the proposed compromises, but we're putting together a final draft which should be reviewed by TSRS/THR within the next couple of days.


Hopefully once the LM rules are settled the rest will fall into place pretty quickly since we have been researching and discussing all the classes for some time.


Just in case some might feel we ignore the input shared here on TXSZ, rest assured that we have read all of the varying suggestions posted in the forums and have incorperated some of the more logical suggestions during this process.


All this to say that the rules are taking shape and should be in final form before too much longer now that the LM rules have been pretty much ironed out.


Nick Holt

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Just in case some might feel we ignore the input shared here on TXSZ... and have incorperated some of the more logical suggestions during this process.

I hope they keep my ejector seat suggestion, truck starts to roll and you hit the eject button and float down to earth in a parachute. I think Jon would endorse that suggestion.

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sought input from a wide variety of sources including teams, engine builders and chassis builders


At which track, Tupaloo, Mississippi? We were second in points in our Sportsman last year and didn't get a call. Not that it should make a difference, but don't you think contacting some of the front runners to see what changes they would like to see might be nice...

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