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What a race - SAS Fall Brawl Street Stocks

LaFont Racing 3

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I would like to congradulate all champions as well as say a special thanks to some folks that helped out Saturday.


First, I want to thank Tim Fiedler (Crew leader of WKR #77). He came down and lent a helping hand as he does with everyone!


Second, after I cut down a tire in the middle of the race, I came in to the pits and was expecting to pull the car on the trailer only to find about 6 guys searching for tools and a spare tire to get me back out on the track. In about 16:00 seconds, those guys had my LR changed and had me out on the track not even loosing a lap. It felt good to make the charge from the back to the front knowing that these guys were watching. It was hard for me to tell who all was helping but if you were THANKS. That is what this sport is all about!!!



Clint LaFont

#3 Street Stock

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