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  1. I talked to dad last night he said Macon and Kelley bought this car from Bill White and he drove the car for quit a while until he decided to start driving his own car. Larry was picked to replace Bill but after only a few races Larry stopped driving the car and Bill started driving it again. The wing on this car was unpainted for a while but he can't remember why, thinks they may have been trying something new. Dad did say he has some supermodified pictures from this timefram, he's going to try and get them out and go through them in the next couple of weeks.
  2. My dad is Vernon Mullins who wreched on the Kelley/Macon cars during this time, I will show him this post later this afternoon to see if he can answer any of the questions from this and previous post about the #2.
  3. Thanks Tommy, keep the super modified pics coming. My dad started coming to Meyer in the mid 60's and we were regulars there until the track closed.
  4. Tommy I'll have to get with my dad to get the exact years. Clay Reeves sold the #22 to Murray Kelley who changed it to the #1. Please keep the pictures coming they bring back good memories.
  5. Tommy do you have any pictures of Hugh Richards driving the #1 super?
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