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Tribute to The Troops Part 2


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What an action packed nite of racing on the track last night. Some great tight racing. Not to be outdone was the action in the grandstands during intermission all started by the man from Yoakum, Craig Seekamp of TRAXX Services. After I made the announcement about what we are doing for the Wounded Warriors on Saturday July 9th, Craig gave me $100.00 donation and challenged other busimess owners to match it. Craig also said that any company that matched the $100 donation he is going to give another $10 for each companies donation up to 25 companies.


It didn't take long for several companies to come to the front straight away and hand me $100 on the spot. Thanks to A Plus cash for their $300 donation, Lavernia Welding, Covert Sheet Metal and a retired Air Force Fan for $100 each and Abby Freeman for his donaton of $20. A couple more said they would also match on July 9th. If you are a small business owner, bring your $100.00 Saturday July 9th and lets raise a a great pot of cash. As you've seen in the other post drivers will be giving up their winnings that nite to the Center for the Intrepid at Fort Sam Houston.


Lets show the San Antonio and South Texas area that racers and their fans appreciate what our armed forces men and women do in defense of our contry and while assisting others in need. We look forward to having the troops out on July 9th and showing them a great time. I-37 has graciously provided free admission to the general admission side and the the pit area for our troops that nite. Come out and show your support on the 9th. We will also be passing the hat for others to donate what they can to the Center for the Intrepid. Everybody have a great 4th of July weekend and we will see you Saturday Nite July 9th for our Tribute to the Troops.



I-37 Track Announcer

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Milton, I want to thank you for your support in taking the lead in the stands for this. I also want to thank each driver and each person that gave Saturday night to cause. It has really become a deep part of myself and my wife. All of the buisnesses that donated and all of the fans that donated out of thier pockets means alot to the troops and to myself being a vet. I want to also put out on the 9th that if any of the buisnesses are having a big sale or a bbq or anything to promote thier buisness and need alil eye candy... we will bring the car and display it for them. I hope I get a chance to speak to the crowd after our feature.. win or not... I want to thank everyone personally. Thank you to the track and Jim for promoting this. And thank you to the Gonzales' for allowing us to do this. I cant say enough about what this means. Thankyou again!

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