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Lap Cars in ROMCO


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Shouldn't there be some type of qualification of the driver to enter a ROMCO race other than qualifying. Maybe they should implement the 115% rule like at TMS. Cars that are 5 laps down in a 30 lap run and that are running so slow will just cause good cars to be taken out. Houston and Kyle lap cars have taken guys that are running in the top 5 out of the race.

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Once again this it Randy5249 on Kevins name I agree 100% but who do you blame that on. Some people dont have the money to go spend on all the best stuff. And ROMCO does not make it any easier by adding rules such as the traction control deal. ROMCO cant find it so lets make it legal. That is how the expense goes up so much. There comes a point that if you wanna be competitve you have to do what everyone else does. But I do agree with the getting slow cars off the track. What happened to Brandon was terrible running in second and takin out by a lap car.

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ROMCO should be in charge of the quality of drivers that are racing. If you spin out 2 or more times in pratice by yourself or in the race, you shouldn't be able to race in that series. If you don't have control of your car, step down to the series that you are able to control. Traction control doesn't have a thing to do with lap cars. The few guys that are way back there having trouble wouldn't benefit from traction control. It is understandable to be 2 or 3 laps down in a 125 lap feature, but not 2 or 3 laps in 30 laps of racing. ROMCO should implement some type of qualification in order to race.

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We need to do somthing. I believe everyone has a learning curve in there racing ability, but ROMCO is for drivers that have reached a high level on that curve. You do not have to have top equipment to run decent. And as for traction control, it is a non issue because none of the top cars are running it as far as I know. I someone wants to GIVE me a TC system I might try it.

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i dont understand why poeple would want to use TC, especially if they plan to progress in auto racing. Romco is a good series to learn how to drive a super late model and with TC your learning nothing about a Super Late Model. I think it is stupid for romco to even allow it. Especially if somone is planning to move up to a series that doesnt allow TC.it makes no sense to me.

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Does anyone know if Brandon takes his car back to lefthander to get his car fix? Atleast he has a month to fix it rather than two weeks. It was a rumor that he got his car back the Wed. before Kyle and thrashed on it in order to be ready for Saturday - even missing pratice on Friday. I heard the 22 (Timmy Grimes) takes his cars back to Howl, just curious if Brandon does the same?

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I don't think traction control is near the problem that slow lapped cars are.

I have not seen any real advantage to traction control. My biggest concern is the slow lapped cars.

If you look at the statistics for the Kyle race, the fast race lap for the car that spun in front of Eddy and Brandon was over 3/4 second slower than the fast lap for the race. Now, that guy has as much right to race as the next guy, but if you're getting passed by the leaders every 15 to 20 laps, you need to park it and get a little more practice and speed. 3/4 second is OK at TMS, but not a 3/8 mile. And he wasn't the slowest car there! At Houston, some cars were getting lapped every 15 laps or so. Ridiculous.

ROMCO tries to let everyone who shows up run, but they really need to look at the disparity in performance, and maybe set some kind of limit on the starting fields.

Remember the San Antonio race earlier this year, where Brandon and Eddy and the other leaders spent most of the night dodging the lapped traffic? Some cars were a full second off pace, and one was a full 4 seconds a lap slower. Shouldn't have been allowed on the track. You can't race when you're dodging all that stuff. A lot of racers there were lucky to bring the cars home with the skin on them.

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While I couldn't be more disappointed in the problems that lapped cars have created for Brandon and other lead-lap drivers, I don't think that the local owners and operators will exclude anyone who wants to race on an amateur level.


The big issue over the past few weeks has been car count at local tracks. Although ROMCO is series racing, I'm sure that ROMCO car count is also an important issue. It's real simple . . . car count = pit crew members = fans = concessions = souvenirs, etc. which all add up to $$$!


On a professional level, e.g., Winston Cup, the operators are also getting money from big corporate sponsors, TV ads, etc., to pay their drivers and expenses. However, on a local level, most of the money to pay the purse has to come from the participants. So, I don't really anticipate anyone getting excluded, no matter how unexperienced they may be, as long as they qualify and pass the inspections. I didn't say I liked it, but I don't think it will change anytime soon.



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You're right, Deb, no one is gonna exclude a racer these days. If ROMCO had 35-40 cars showing up each race, they'd about have to, but not when they are getting the current counts.

As bad as the slow cars have been this year, I've seen worse--I remember a race for these type cars at Corpus in the mid 80's that started 38. Talk about a traffic nightmare! And one at San Antonio started about 42 or 43. Way too many.

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I have been following the Romco series since it began. I have traveled over the state of Texas to watch it. I understand that lap cars get in the way but on the same token some of these guys have aspirations for higher classes such as ASA, ARCA, Busch, and maybe even Nascar. So they need the practice of getting around lap cars. In any series or class there will always be lap cars. It seperates the drivers who have the ability to drive vs. the drivers that can't seem to get the hang of it. Even without lap traffic lead cars can be taken out by each other, I have seen it more times than I can count. So to say lap cars are the problem in any series is an excuse. At any given time or any given day a lead car can spin out, be bumped, or even blow a motor that sometimes causes wrecks and chaos without a lap car being involved. I am not saying that I don't think lap cars shouldn't give the courtesy of moving over when they know the car behind them is alot faster because I think they should. I am just saying that lap cars are not always the problem.

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There is a difference between cars that are getting lapped every 5 - 10 laps and cars that are going 2 laps under in a 125 lap race. Everybody misses setups or something sometimes on their cars and causes them to go laps under, but even those guys can handle thier car. The point ROMCO needs to consider is when the drivers can't handle thier car and are spinning out every corner. As a fan I don't care if a car is 2 seconds off the pace like some where at Kyle, as long as they control thier car and stay out of the way. In ROMCO only, if you start 20 - 24 cars, you would have much better racing, more green laps, and wouldn't have the amount of cars going laps under. It is understandable to have cars a couple of laps down, but not those guys that are laps down in 15 laps that have no control over their car.

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If you are going to let everyone race who shows up, you may as well change the series name to "RAMCO" or "LAPCO". How does it help the series by letting someone make themselves look bad and take out the front runners while doing so. I would rather see a 15 car good show that a 20 + car wreckfest. That guy at Kyle would have gone through the back fence in practice if it were not for the tall bank of dirt coming out of turn two. He did that by himself with noone around. This has nothing to do with car count, it is about quality. If it is about car count, I am out of here. I would take quality over quantity anytime.

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At Kyle, based on qualifying and pratice speeds, I wouldn't have allowed 3 or 4 cars to run. I believe that this is the first time that ROMCO has only had 24 cars, but at the other previous races, you could eliminate 3 or 4 cars and still have a 24 car field.

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Just my thoughts,


1st-- SOmeone has to start some where.

2nd-- Maybe they do need laps, but how would they get them if you don't let them in a car?


3rd-- Some people need help, I have gotten help from Greg,mark etc... if it weren't for them i might be a lapped car. give them a chance to find there help


4th-- i have also been slow my first couple of races-it takes time, laps laps laps, more i run with the series the better i get


5th-- I think it is the 18 car-- for the first time on an asphalt track he did pertty good job, unfortunat that brandon got taken out but that was just bad luck.

(if the guy would like help all he has to do is ask)



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