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Spotter's Glasses


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damn ! iwish my teammates spotter would had those glasses a few times last year...


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Guest HMPFlagman

Speaking of the move over flag... do you guys actually look up at the flagstand? I swear... sometimes I'm doing everything I can with that moveover flag to get people out of the lead lap cars way except dad gum near throwing it at people. Maybe I need to get a bunch, attach them to nerf darts and shoot em on your windshields when you go a lap down....


FYI - It is my belief that if you are on the lead lap.... you have everyright to race on the lead lap until the leader is on your bumper trying to get around. Thats when I start working it... Once he passes you I note your number on the tape and anytime someone on the lead lap is attempting to get around you... I'll show you the flag. Otherwise it stays furled up in my left hand. I've got a lot of NASCAR influence in me when I'm in the flagstand because of who my mentor was/is (he retired last year). But how are your flagmen at THR and SAS and CC working yall with the move over?

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