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NASCAR investigating Robby Gordon-Brad Parrott


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NASCAR investigating Robby Gordon-Brad Parrott tangle




The Orlando Sentinel



MEXICO CITY - Some of the most heated action in the Telcel Motorola Mexico 200 took place before the race even started as Robby Gordon and Brad Parrott, the crew chief for Carl Edwards, scuffled minutes before the event on Sunday.

Witnesses said that Parrott said something to Gordon before driver introductions. Gordon apparently turned away but not before Parrott supposedly gave Gordon a quick knee to the groin. Gordon responded by grabbing Parrott's neck and prepared to throw a punch before onlookers broke up the fight.


"I don't know exactly what happened," Edwards said. "When I came onto the scene, Robby was roughing my crew chief up a little bit, so I just stopped Robby from doing that. I really didn't know what the situation was. That's all there was, and I was just trying to stop that from happening."


NASCAR Vice President Jim Hunter said the sanctioning body would investigate the incident.


"We'll take a look at it after the race," Hunter said. "Right now, it's hearsay."


Speculation has it that the spat stemmed from Gordon's anger over being forced to the back of the field after an engine change in his Chevrolet, despite qualifying second. Edwards also made a change after wrecking his car and blowing two engines in practice on Friday but didn't have to drop back. He started ninth.


"The way I understand it, if you have to go to a backup car before qualifying, you can still use that backup car to qualify and start the race in the position you qualified," Edwards said.



J/K Krusty...

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Mark O'Donnell just got Simpson as a sponsor, I would check with him...I hear they also come in handy for series officials...not that I would ever abuse a TSRS official of course...but, you know what they say, better safe than sorry...

Talked to them this morning, it turns out that you can only get them directly from Robbie...


They did make an interesting observation though. They said some guy/girl or should I say guy pretending to be a girl kept calling yesterday asking for these. The receptionist at one point heard someone in the background yell "HEY LARRY QUIT MESSING AROUND AND GET TO WORK ON THE TRUCK!"

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