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Driver list.


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Is there any chance of getting a list of drivers posted here?If I can be greedy,can it be a list of registered drivers for every event?This would help out greatly when it comes to word of mouth promotion of an event.I know alot of us could convince our friends to go out of town to an event easier if we could show them who is going to be racing at that event. B)

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go look at the drivers button on the left side navigation bar...it will be for all USRA registered drivers...event by event is too hard to keep up with...make sure you have turned in your info to Linda Barden...we will be populating it with all the registered drivers over the next few days...

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Racerx, Are you in charge here? Are you making the decisions?

How diffikult is it a few days before a race to list drivers that have entered? Most all professional run series do this. If not, maybe fans kan just kall Dikkerson and flood him with phone kalls to see who is racing since he is the promoter. Either way, it will work. A phone kall or a list.

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what are you a groupie ,have you got someone you just gotta know is gonna be there?if so call them and ask if they're racing....you know you're gonna go to the race anyway so what does it matter.....

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I will get the list of registered drivers on the USRA web site as soon as possible. It is not a difficult thing to do, however this year we decieded not to send out entries and have the drivers sign in as get to the tracks.


Terry Barden


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Not sure what you are talking about Kosher...Digital Grease does the USRA web site...We added a driver database that was not on the romcoracing site...It looks like a whole lot of drivers so far...we put all of the drivers up that we get info for from USRA...the drivers have to get the info to them...


If you want a press release for who is entered in a particular race, you should talk to Chuck Licata...when should he do it?...looking at the old Romco site, I didn't see any of those...it has been my experience that you never know who is going to be at a big Kar Race for sure until race day...but people running for a championship and points, you can usually count on...since you obviously have extra time on your hands, maybe Kosher can go volunteer in the USRA business office and update the list everyday and put out Kosher's Big Kar Race Kar Kount Report each morning.


If you did that, maybe Chuck would even let you talk on the PA, help kall the race, and be on the radio show..."The Kosher and Chuckie Show". Chuck might get mad if your name is first though! The Chuck and Kosher Show...The Kosher Chuck Show...wait, that one sounds like he converted to judaisim...You could have some klown sound effects. But remember, kareful, no kussing cause of the FCC and the kiddies. I can see a billboard promotion in your future. Don't forget your red rubber nose. Keep those kuestions koming.

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kosher pays his money to go see the kar races. Kosher had a simple kuestion that was answered politly by Mr. Barden. I am sure Mr. Likata would have answered politly too. He is a very nice PR Guy. But thank you for your response, sorry for asking. Why dont you truck drivers have a good attitude like Mr. Dikkerson, Mr. Barden and Mr. Likata? They are very welcoming.

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Racerx, Are you in charge here? Are you making the decisions?

How diffikult is it a few days before a race to list drivers that have entered? Most all professional run series do this. If not, maybe fans kan just kall Dikkerson and flood him with phone kalls to see who is racing since he is the promoter. Either way, it will work. A phone kall or a list.


I was serious and I gave you a serious response in the first paragraph...We are doing lots of stuff to make things better. Sorry if I hurt your wittle feewings, but if you want to hide behind "Kosher" and ask smartass questions, you will get a smartass response from me. Kosher can't take a joke? Most people, including myself, like your funny race recaps, etc. Recently you used your "Kosher" persona to take pot shots at TTOPA. If you want to do that, use your real name and be civil about it. If "Kosher" wants to mess with me or call me out like you did here, I will mess with "Kosher" back. I can take it and I like it. Just the way it is and will be.


When you get called out, you always add your "kosher pays his money to go see the kar races" comment. Just because you buy a ticket, it doesn't give you the right to be a rude Jackass. And the whole racing community - we all pay money, fans, officials, drivers, track owners, series owners, web site owners. None of those people made a profit last year and most never do. With the current state of the racing economy, it is more of a expensive hobby for all of us than a business. So don't go around feeling like you have more rights than the rest of us. Buying a ticket makes you one of us.


Yes, Mr. Barden was very polite to you inspite of the way you asked your question. I would have expected no less of him.


PS - You don't want to be on the radio? You don't want to be the pickle in the middle between Chuck and Ric?


PSS- I just saw you edited your post. Truck drivers are rowdy and don't kiss butt. If those guys are nice and you want a nice answer, go ask them next time. RacerX is very mean.

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The Kosher Chuck Show...


And all this time, my parents TOLD me I was ITALIAN! :o:lol::P

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Hmmm...should I apologise for starting this thread?Another fine mess you've gotten us into.Anyway...I was just hoping for a little help a couple of days before taking off to the event.Ihave some friends that need a little coaxing to leave SA Speedway.They only watch 12-15 latemodels there,but to get them to,in my opinion,what is the better show,it takes a crowbar.There were a few 15 count starting grids for ROMCO,and it kind of tainted their taste for the travel.If I could print out an up-to-date list of signed in drivers,I might have a chance of coaxing.JUST AN IDEA...TRY NOT TO FIGHT ABOUT IT KIDS!!! B)

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No, it was a fair question...


The best answer is to have full fields for every race...and can't miss the action races


Not sure how to accomplish knowing who is coming in advance other than starting a who is coming topic...and not sure we would get everyone to post...but maybe I'm wrong or there is another way...

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Your question is a fair one.


I will make my best effort to get "some" kind of Entry List for each USRA race this year..and I will try to actually follow through on it. :D


However, realize there are some teams/drivers/etc. who MAY NOT be able to "commit" to being at a race until the day before--just as Larry hinted to...we'll try it for the first few races and see how it goes..


Does that help?

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