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Is their a mobile app for the site?

Not yet, Mayor, but my good friend Mark Stevens is working on upgrading LSSZ and adding a mobile app. Mark is incredibly busy, but is committed to the project.


Once he's done, we will have the updated version of WordPress on the front page which will give us a whole lot of new capabilities and fix the old ones that have crashed over the years. Plus, we'll have the updated forum software which should be a lot slicker than the 10-year old software we're using now. With the latest version we will have the capability to do live audio, video, etc, if I can ever raise enough $$ to do so.


I know that getting on LSSZ from a cell phone is very tough because the ads on the right side "grow" to cover what you're trying to get done. Awful stuff, but hopefully will be much better in the not too distant future.


You interested in helping out financially to help get it done?



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Well would have paid 1.99-3.99 for the app. Have you looked into having the forum hosted by one of the free forum boards like proboards. Decent functionality and members can get the app for a small cost? Might not be feasible, but it wAs just a thought.

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