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Time Trials at SAS for TSRS


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This is the content of Mary Ann Naumann's response to an inquiry from a TSRS driver (who shall remain nameless):


"(Name of Driver) thank you for your letter, yes, I did tell you that previously, with one exception, the Friday, May 30th race was also planned for time trails as well as all the "Big Races." The change for timing in SAS this coming weekend is due to the following reason. We are racing for ROMCO, not SAS, ROMCO leased the track, and we are one of their guest. This is ROMCO Equipment night, Robert Mullins, owner of the ROMCO Series, has this event set aside to share with his ROMCO clients. The schedule that has been given to me and with complete instructions that we and TAMS are to adhere to, requires we are ready and waiting to qualify by way of heat races or time trails @ 5:15! We, TSRS Officials met last week and decided that time trials might be a more fair way to do this event and most likely each event @ SAS this season. At 5:15, there most likely won't be any race fans there to watch the exciting competition that you and drivers like yourself put on, so we thought, why chance messing any cars up before our Main Event, the one for the $$$$, so that is our reason for making the unfortunately, change. We really do try not to have to make changes, but sometimes they must happen to make this series "top notch." We are all in the show business and we must do what sets us apart from all the others. We want to entertain the fans and be as fair as possible to our drivers, the stars of the show!


"(Name of Driver), as for your second question, you said you understood from someone that, "the next race at THR is going to be pit stop contest for the starting position," is there truth to this? No, there is not! I think I already answered this question, but just to make it clear, time trails for the Friday, May 3rd event @ THR-Kyle event. (Note from Nick Holt: I think Mary Ann has her dates mixed up since TSRS will be in San Antonio on May 3.) As you know, there is not even a pit road to do a pit stop competition. The only time that happens is at Houston, the first event there and the Space City 125. So, no to the question about the rumor of pit stop competition for Kyle race.


"No, you do not sound like a whiner, questions are good and it is always better to get it from the horses mouth, I hate rumors, they destroy people and even great events.

Have a great day and by the way, great racing last Saturday @ Kyle!


"When a good question is asked, forward it to our drivers email group list, then everyone gets the same answer, thanks for questions.




Mary Ann Naumann

Race Director

Texas Super Racing Series


512-899-2602 office

512-899-1602 fax

512-844-3582 cell"

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