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The crew of SAS sportsman #29 plan on being there to cheer you on. Good luck and show them how well you can drive anything.


Congratulations on your sunbelt region win. Someday, maybe we can say we raced against that Nascar cup driver.


Mona Turner

Wes & Mom Trucking

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Rookie49 The truck was a heap of crap, Justin did all he could do with what he had to work with, It had no power, and with no power that 373 gear made it even worse. Justin got sick, because the truck developed an exhaust leak, But he hung in there till the end. I am proud of that boy hes got a lot of character. Matt

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would have been a factor at thunderhill if the truck would had all 8 cyls working. The boy knows how to drive, If you can drive sas you can drive thunderhill, as a matter of fact I think thunderhill is less intimadating.

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Gunar, I was trying to be nice to the kid...he did a heck of a job at SAS in his car this year and I bet it will be easier for him in the truck down there...he knows that track...he didn't do bad for his first time out if he had all those problems and didn't know the track...I also appreciate the things you are doing to help out the trucks...but since you brought it up, I can't imagine how many more times he would have spun out Saturday night if he would have had any more power under him...he spent more time going in circles in the dirt Saturday than he did on the track...I couldn't believe he didn't get black flagged...The kid obviously has talent to do what he did this year, but I think Jeff Gordon, or Bryan Meredith for that matter, is safe for the time being...I know you guys are proud of him, and rightly so, but it looked like he finished where he belonged to me...I doubt it will always be that way, but that was one to forget...

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Papa ,I will be driving the truck down at San Antonio. Jason was helping us get this truck figured out. I am sure that with some more time It will be good. The truck took a hard hit almost 2 years ago it has a bent frame on the left side, we will adjust to it. I look forward to racing in SanAntonio. and Larry L. do not take this the wrong way, I especially look forward to racing against you. your a cool dude, and this should be a lot of fun.

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matt-sorry brother but i gotta disagree....thunderhill is undoubtably the most unforgiving,non typical track to run on.....i don't run sa every week like i do thr...but i consider sa to be my better track , because it suits my style of driving...even with a perfect vehicle thr will give you headaches..sa is more adaptable...


glad to have you running with us justin...

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