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TSRS Point Leader Mike Yale


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At this point in time, Yale Motor Sports Damage Control Center does not see the need to respond to JP's weak attempt to embarrass the Mac Daddy. It is our belief that Mr. Pollard is upset over the fact that he did not receive any gifts from the gracious TSRS officials.


LLLloyd, what happens in Corpus stays in Corpus, RIGHT? Any truth to the rumor that Beau will have another new paint scheme for the Houston race? Perhaps Cheeta spots? Or maybe it was a water moccassin motif?

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you are absolutely correct svc what happens in c.c. is gonna stay there and i will not comment any further on the happenings or whereabout of anyone present during that very long night. but i did hear that same rumor about beau running the cheetah paint job. but i will say that there will be payback for the hundreds of 04 stickers on my truck and trailer.

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Myself, the other TSRS officials, fellow racers and the fans at CCMS witnessed the Mac Daddy's Mojo at work...you would have to be there to truly understand. A man who exudes the confidence of Mac Daddy Mike can wear any kind of glasses or boa and make them look good !

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Thank you for your kind words Fast18. It would have been rude to not show appreciation to the folks that spent the time and $$$ putting that gift giving extravaganza together. Besides, the boa and sun glasses were much cooler than 04's quilt.

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I can no longer live with the guilt inside me. I took that picture of Mr Yale and forwarded it to Jeff unknowingly becoming an accomplice in this thread. I hope the good people at Yale Motor Sports will accept my apoligy....Regretfully TSRS official and Mike Yale fan Mickey McKim

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There, there, there Mickey. It will be ok. No harm, no foul. Yale Motor Sports appreciates your concern. Perhaps next time you will know better when JP ask for a favor. He will get his, Now that Brad knows they took his precious stickers. Just keep the cameras ready for JP's "moment". :D

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Everything is alright I think every TSRS driver should be concerned with the where abouts of the stickers of Mr. Brad Hudak, since the elfian criminal left behind his evidence saturday night and Alexander racing doesn't know who they can trust and who was too blame, i think everybody might have to pay, and we know where every one lives. HA HA HA

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If Mac Daddy makes an appearance, it will most likely be sans the #50. Spent last night tearing EVERYTHING from the bell housing back, out of the car. Doubt that all the parts will be in before Monday. :(

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