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Houston Eco Stocks


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I would like to extend an invitation from Mary Ann and Thunderhill Raceway to come on out and race with your rules. She has generously waived the registration fee in hopes that you will come run Thunderhill on our next race on the 11th. Come on out, we would love to have you.


I also wanted to say thank you to HMP and the Ecostocks for the great time I have been having running your track.


Also, to Richard Smith Sr. #59 - Congratulations and Awesome race, I had a blast!


Thank you,

Richard Fitch

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Its a great idea for tracks to invite the minnies from other tracks to race at their home track regardless of what their called..All of you guys have an open invitation to run at STS with your own rules as well.With enough intrest we might all be invited to race at the Shootout again this year.Is your invitation open to other tracks as well?

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Come on, the more the merrier and thanx for the invitation to your track. We have been discussing that option for a little extra fun.


I didn't mean to leave anyone out.




I have raced other classes in the past and must say, the mini has been the most fun and not nearly as much work. Having a blast this year!

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