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LOL, The check is in the mail, RIGHT? No problem, I think you'll make a fine track official. You are already used to being abused so you have half the battle won. Tell the wife I said hello.

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I would rather be from Houston than be a Bluff Monkey. LOL Y'all got a good one if Eric gets the job. Just start talking suspensions to Nick during your "interview" and you are in for sure Eric. Oh, and wear something sexy.

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Oh, and wear something sexy.

Don't bother..Nick's too blind to notice! LOL :lol: (j/k)


But on a serious note...This post doesn't surprise me. Dave is a class guy all the way. I met him last year during my time with TSRS, and if I ever had my own race team...Dave would be one of the first guys I'd call to join the team.


You're a class act, Dave. B)

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HMMMM, don't know if Chuck is on some kind of medication or just stayed up too late but either way you're ruining my rep dude. LOL Thanks for the kind words. As far as starting your own race team you will have to wait until Mike retires. I'm under a lifetime contract with the 50 team.

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