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Thanks to the Wernette racing family and all the people who pitched in for a pay out for the front runner class Saturday night, we may not be the fastest or the premeir class but we race as hard and with all of our heart, and it was really nice and very considerate for y'all to do this AND to pay out all spots.ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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I totally agree Charles! The excitement on Hailee's face when she walked away from that pay window made all the blood sweat and tears of the season worth it. For a 13 year old girl that spends her every Sunday washing and working on her car; she felt it was a reward for a job well done! Thanks again to all those who contributed!!

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You know you say it may not be the fastest our premiere class but the front runners are the ones who get the most oos and aws our front runners put on a race every week. It was well worth the contribution. Kept racing hard guys and gals.

-18 pure stock team

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You know you say it may not be the fastest our premiere class but the front runners are the ones who get the most oos and aws our front runners put on a race every week. It was well worth the contribution. Keep racing hard guys and gals.

-18 pure stock team

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