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Thank you to Monte Chamberlain and Tom Burns for announcing the races this weekend and to all that volunteer. I could never express my appreciation enough for all that the staff does to keep Shady Oaks Speedway running each race week. Thank you again, Jim


Jim will be having surgery again tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers. I am not use to posting results so I overlooked this but will post them tomorrow when I am at the office.

Thanks again to all that help.

Rosmary Stacy

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Thank you for the note. Glad to help out. Jim became an instant friend when I met him in the fall of 2008 just 2 days after his arrival to Texas. We think about him a lot and have the utmost respect and admiration for Jim in his quest to keep his dream alive in spite of massive curve balls thrown at him. And, we have the utmost respect for all those helping Jim keep the dream alive....

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