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who is your favorite touring series

Guest The_Greek

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Guest The_Greek

just a question about the touring series....Romco, Tams, TPS, TSRS, ARTS, or the Allison Legacy cars, just wondering which touring series most people like to see the most? i will cast a vote for the TAMS series, i really like the direction they are headed in, and they have some great drivers running in that series, it used to be the Romco, but im not a fan of traction control. im not trying to put any of the other series down, just wondering which series is the most popular at this point.

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Every series brings something different so it's very difficult to say which one is my favorite. What we're seeing here is that people involved in a particular series call that series their favorite. But I suppose that's just the way it should be.


Overall, ROMCO is the series that draws the most spectators. So if that's the measure of favorite, ROMCO wins hands down.


Nick Holt

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I would have to say ROMCO. It has fast cars, lead changes, and draws big crowds. I also like TAMS. I haven't seen TPS in a long time (I only go to CCMS) but I used to enjoy them. I am sure I will again. I don't think I have seen ARTS. I haven't seen TSRS, but from what I've heard, I don't think I want to. And as for the Allison Legacy Series, I would rather them not come to CCMS all together. No real racing in that series. No passing or lead changes. One car almost always takes the lead on the first lap and wins it. I'd rather see someone actually have to work for it. But that's just my opinion.

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TX Trouble,


I dont particapate in TSRS but by no means should you not want to see them. See the series before you judge them. If your taking the info that Jason is giving people about TSRS its seriously biased. Dont beleive everything you hear I know that things went wrong when they raced there but think about it most drivers hadnt even drove on that track before then. They are a very good series and I have seen just as many ROMCO crash fest as Ive seen crashes in TSRS.


As far as my most favorite. I dont have one. I hate to watch a 5 car race and as long as there are more cars than that in the series then I like to watch em. Id say I like TAMS a bit more than any of em but thats cause my Dad races in that series some.


Personaly Id rather go around to the local tracks and watch their local classes. Its those guys who deserve a bigger hand yea they may not have a 30,000 dollar engine in their car or a chasis worth 20,000 but they are the guys who go out week after week and put on a heck of a show. Just my thoughts.


Matt Banker

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I was just going on the general word. I don't know Jason and I haven't agreed with most of the things he has said on here, so I would not be taking his word. No offence, Jason. I listen to the people with whom I share similar interests with at the track and there are plenty of them. I might watch TSRS one day, but only if I win tickets or something. I'm not paying for it. That's just me. that's all.

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Guest RandyBorlace

I Don't think a TOBA car would be competitive to run at THR with the hobbies well atleast right now. For the cost of the slicks, unlocking the rearend and some other changes it wouldn't be worth it IMO. for asphalt my choice is TAMS or ROMCO, for dirt it's TOBA all the way.

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I only go to CCMS




I might watch TSRS one day, but only if I win tickets or something. I'm not paying for it


PM me with your name and address. I will personally buy you two tickets to the TSRS race June 5th at CCMS.


Then you can have an informed opinion.


The first TSRS race in CCMS was good. We did have a couple of issues, but Mary Ann and the rest of the crew came up with solutions to those, and they should not be a problem again.


PM me, I am completely serious about this. I feel absolutely positive that once you see us race, you will be back again and again.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Texas Super Racing Series Announcer (and damn proud of it!)

Hardest working race announcer in Texas! Have microphone, will travel.

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My favorite touring series are TAMS, Romco & Dwarf Cars. It's always nice to see good racing, and lately at CCMS there has been some good & interesting racing. I always look forward to Saturday nights at CCMS, just hope we don't have any more rain down here.


Go Shrimp!!!!!!!

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In resonse to TX Trouble and the Allison Series,in 2003 the Houston series had 7 different winners out of 15 races and James Lee the car you are referring to was at 2 of the races. This past weekend at SAS he did win the race, but there was was a lot of passing and side by side racing going on with a car count of 16 cars. I wish you could see some other races at other tracks before you pass judgement on the series.

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I for one think the Allison race at SAS May 15th was great....alot of bumper to bumper racing, paint tradin, and spinning....speaking of spinning-did anyone see that #14 try and try to get under the #25, I thought the pass was gonna be made until the darn turn out pipe fell off and got under the tire....I for one don't think James Lee up and ran away with it.....Gary Poole was right there.

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I was stating my opinion which is what was asked of all of us. I do not enjoy the legacy series. I do not like James Lee. I never have, not since I was 12. However, that is not the reason I don't like the series. I just don't think there is enough action. And if you don't have action at a small track with 2 good grooves like CCMS, then I doubt there would be anymore action at a bigger track. And maybe if I had the time, energy, and money, I would go see a race at another track, but it would never be an Allison Legacy series race. That is my opinion. If it offends you, that's your problem, not mine.

I forgot to add that I will be checking out the June 5 TSRS race. I said I was open to it and now I will prove it. To all you haters, back off.. :rolleyes:

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1) Allison Legacys


2) The local classes at the track I am racing at...They are sort of like a touring series to me...I don't get to see them all the time except when I am at their track. They go after it week after week.

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