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Nick....I was just wondering if the Late Models are going to be scheduled to race on one of the weekends that they were suppose to be off. I'm just wondering because they were scheduled for next week but they are cancelled since thats Mary Ann's make up date for the March race. I don't think its fair to all the LLM drivers. Plus, the first week they were suppose to race it got rained out. That is two race opportunities that the LLM are getting screwed on. I'm not trying to start anything I'm just wondering if they can be scheduled for a week they are suppose to be off?

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Thanks for your concern about the Late Models.


I will be discussing this very issue with Brian soon. The schedule is being worked on and a revised schedule will be released early this week.


Nick Holt

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you know just a comment to make I love the late models when they run but if you keep changing the schedule and they dont run much when it comes down to the end of the season they end up only running 10 times the whole season are there points fund going to be double what everybody elses is going to be? That is abit crazy just for the fact that other classes run more than others. I think you should be up so much money out of each class per night for example if LLM run 10 races put $250 per night in there points fun to give them a totoal of $2500 to split. If the SS run 18 races you give them like $225 per night to give them like $4050 to split and if HS run 18 then you would give them like $200 to give them $3600 to split. This is just an example since you say some thing like $30k in the points fund or something like that. I just dont think it would be fair to give a glass all the money for not running that much.



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You know i hate to on this one but i do kinda like Jay's Idea..... build up the point fund by class... per night.. and adding one better than that use car count as a modifier... it promotes higher car counts and rewards the people that are out there everyweek...... Here is and Example


Every Class Gets set amounts

LM $300

SS $250

HS $200

GS $100


Then add in a car count Modifier


10 Cars = 1

15 Cars = 1.25

20 Cars = 1.5

25 Cars = 1.75

30+ Cars = 2


So here is where Car Count matters SS Show up with 24 Cars one night They Get $375 added to their pot..

That is a nice thing if it happens week after week.

And print this out in the "Pit Gate News" What the pots are.. This way the drivers see that light at the end of the tunnel...



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I dont know who abrungot is but damn it I am like the whole Idea that he help present. One thing I do want to not is you can not say it is abit late to make the change. I know that the track knows how many cars in each glass so far into the season since there was only 2 nights of racing and to show it in the pit news is awesome. I just feel maybe there might not be that much money in the points fund and there will be some kinda reason not to do this but one hell of an idea. Since last year we all expected to see what are checks were going to be and when it come down to it nobody said anything except good night and no checks. This way we see what is in each pot every week and that would help for more cars to show up and for better racing for the drivers and fans out there so each driver trys that much harder to get to the top and that makes better racing. When you have kick butt racing you have more fans. WHEN YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME. If YOU DO NOTHING THEN THEY GO HOME.



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Jay you know how i am .. and Sat.. i will remind you with my name and face... I do think that this could be implimented this year... and it would help Driver Track relationships.. without the cars.. the track is nothing .. i am sure anyone in racing would agree...


I don't do the books or planning at THR.. but my career is A business analyst of a Billion $ corp.. so i am sure if there is a will there is a way... we just have to all put the best foot forward.

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As much as I'd like to see a full class of late models at THR every Saturday night, I'm sure Brian is playing it smart by not running them on TSRS nights. Looking at the LM field on 4/17, one could assume that the LM field on a TSRS night might only be 3 to 5 cars. If I were promoting a track, I don't think I would try to field a LM race with those numbers.



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But if it is reason they do listen. But Lets see if they listen.


I think it's clear that the THR management is listening. It should also be understood that not every suggestion will be acted upon the moment it is proposed.


I have found both Jim and Brian very willing to listen to suggestions in the past.


Nick Holt

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Hey... I never said they don't read.. I don't recall but maybe one post from Brian.. not sure on Jim... I do recall last year sometime Brian talking about how him and computers were not the best of friends.. or something along that line..


Don't think they are Addicts like many of us on here.. :blink:


Thanks Nick

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann
Mary Ann's make up date for the March race. I don't think its fair to all the LLM drivers.
Jamie, it is the "Texas Super Racing Series", not just Mary Ann. We would love to have your Dad join us, he has always been pretty Kick butt @ SAS! :)
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