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I talked with my sister in law who is the Head Scorer just now and she told me that #53 Ryan Englehardt won the race.


#04 Brad Hudak got second and #50 Mike Yale got 3rd.


#1 Roniie New was DQed for being to low.


She said there was one bad wreck and that the car was almost split in half. But, other than that it was a real good race.



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Thanks for the TSRS report. This is the first news we have heard about the HMS TSRS event.


I am surprised TSRS officials have not provided us with the race results yet. Mary Ann Naumann and Chuck Licata have been VERY good about getting information out about their series and we at Texas Speed Zone have been equally faithful in passing that information on to our members. Perhaps we will get the results soon.


Nick Holt

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Ronnie got second and then DQed.


As for results, Stacy is on her way home now. She will then put everything together. Results, points. She said she would send them to me and I will send them on to you guys.


Come on Nick, give them a chance to get home first. LOL



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I thought they had computer support in Houston. Also, I heard that they were using transponders to do the scoing last night. Sorry. I'll try to be more patient.


Nick Holt

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