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Can anyone let us know how Scribs is doing? We haven't heard anything in awhile and would like to know.


Thank You,


The Hulk 39s wife



I went to see Scribs yesterday and he was in somewhat of high spirits. He was excited to finally be leaving the hospital and transferring to a rehab facility. He knows he has a long hard road ahead of him, but he did want me to let everybody know he is fighting for all it's worth to make it back as soon as possible to be with us and HIS dream track.

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Is he off the ventilator? can he move any of his arms or legs? Can we have a little more detail? Hoping for the best. Waiting every day for some good news.



As far as I know (When I saw him last) the ventilator is still in, he can move his legs somewhat though. When you hold his hand he can feel it as well as when you touch his feet he can feel it. He cannot move his arms as of yet.

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We saw Jim today and he looks great. He showed us how he can move his legs and it was so good to see that. He said that he can feel his hands and arms just can't move them just yet. He is fighting to get better and knowing Jim, he will get better. He talked about the plans he has for next season and from the way it sounds, the track is only gonna get better. It was so good to see him and the progress he has made already! Jim-we are so proud of you and can't wait to see how much more progress you will make in the days to come!

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