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help with roll cage


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I am putting together a front runner car for the dirt track and wanted to get some ideas on how to mount my cage. It is already built I am just going to set it in but since I have no frame to weld it to I don't have any good ideas on how to mount it, so I am kind of in a dilemma. Any ideas on a good safe way to mount it. Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't have a whole lot of time to get this bad boy slapped together so I am kind of trying to get it done as fast as possible. Thanks

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The rocker is the strongest part of a unibody car.By itself its not very strong.What I have developed is a great way to attach a cage to a rocker pannel.

First make a plate that is big enough to be a mount for the cage but bend it 90 deg to go up the side of the rocker as well,even slightly over it.Heat to shape.Tack Weld it and then drill a hole the size of the pipe you want to use through the side of it.Slide a short piece of pipe through the hole and drive it through the rocker to exit the other side.The pipe will make its own hole to the outside.Then make a plate about 4-6 in squate and hole saw the same size hole in the center of it.Place over the pipe on the outside of the rocker,then weld the pipe to the plate,then the plate to the rocker.Weld the same pipe to the inside plate and the inside plate to the rocker.Trim off the excess pipe and you have a double sheer mounting plate that you will have to rip the rocker off to dislodge.Your cage can weld to the bottom and the side of the inside plate.It can be used as a jacking point with the riight type of jack.This is many times stronger than simply welding a plate to the floor.Hope this helps,if I could draw a picture I would.

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Just build a rocker box, as pictured bellow the main hoop of this cage. It doesn't have to be that tall. Just help spread the load. Make sure one side of the rocker box is running up the vertical portion of the car.


Just FYI, front running cars aren't slapped together or hurried. Take your time with things like roll cages, they really affect the handling and rigidity of the vehicle.

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