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Jon Garrett


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Jon and his son Joshua were involved in a serious car accident Saturday evening near his home in Athens, Texas. A car pulled out in front of Jon from a side street. Jon swerved to avoid the car but ending up clipping the front of the car, then glancing off of the car and through a ditch into a tree. Joshua was un hurt but Jon suffered a broken right femur and a broken right hip. Surgery was performed Sunday morning. After a 4 hour surgery, the doctors put 3 screws in his hip and a rod in his right right leg. He is in East Texas Medical Center in Athens, room 217. He will be there probably until Thursday. He starts rehab tomorrow and is going to have a really long recovery time. The doctors have said maybe a year to fully recover. After seeing the pictures of the car, it's a miracle that Joshua was not hurt and that Jon wasn't hurt any worse than he was. It took the fire department 30 minutes to cut Jon out of the car. Everyone pray for Jon and our family as we help him recover from this. Thanks Greg Davis for coming by today to visit.

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Our prayers our with you Jon.. Get Well Soon

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i hope a speedy recovery for you jon, you will have to learn how to walk again, don't let the meds get you up to quick, take slow steps until you can straighten up your self. 6-8-1974, a truck fell on me and broke my pelvic and left hip, i had internal injuries, so they could not do sergery on me, after a month in the hosp., they took me home. i had to learn how to walk again, a step at a time, with blessings from GOD and the love of my family and friends, i was able to walk again.


may GOD bless you with healing and bless your family during these troublesome times, keep your chin up, and thank GOD you are still here with us. thanks, del

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you're a good man, God will bless you and yours.

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Just an update on Jon. I just got off the phone with my Dad and he said that Jon got up and sat in a chair for about 30 minutes today. He can't put any weight on his leg for 6 weeks. He's still pretty drugged up but not as much as he was. He's feeling better but he still has a long way to go. He may go home on Thursday but that depends on how well he can get around with the walker. He really would like to hear from all of his ol' racing buddies via e-mail or phone calls. It probably would be best to e-mail him for now because he is still on pain medicine and might not remember talking to you. He's going to have a lot of fun trying to go through metal detectors from now on. LOL

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Jon is still in the hospital in Athens. Over the past two days, he has developed some breathing problems as a result of all of the surgery and pain medicine. He has been put on oxygen and is doing a little better today. He sat in a chair for about 2 hrs. this afternoon, in hopes that will help him breathe a little better. He really needs everyone's prayers and encouragement. If anyone wants to call him, he is in room 217 @ ETMC-Athens. You can call me on my cell 903-571-7395 and I will pass the message on to Jon. Thanks for everyone's concern and keep Jon in your thoughts.

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  • 2 months later...

Here is an update I received yesterday (8/25/08) from Mike Garrett. Hang in there Jon!







Jon is doing ok. He is back working 3 days a week most weeks. He is walking now on a crutch and just started to walk a small amount without the crutch. It is just going to take a lot of time.


We are lucky to still have him. He could have easily have been killed in the wreck. They had to cut him out of the car. His son, Josh, was also with him and is lucky as well. Josh was not injured except for seatbelt bruises.

Thank you for your concern and for asking about Jon.


We miss seeing all of you.



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