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School Supplies for Kids


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Good Morning,


We are asking if you or anyone you know could sponsor for the purchase of school supplies for kids. We will be giving school supplies to all the school age children that comes to the MotorFest on Aug 26. Our Motorfest will be held at San Antonio Raceway, we want to purchase as many back packs and school supplies as we can. We have contacted all the schools in the area and will be advertising for this event. We have arranged to buy the school supplies . If you would like to sponsor, we are asking $ 150.00 - $ 350.00, We have received a good response. You will receive a receipt and 501 3 c form with our federal ID number. We appreciate the help for these kids. For your sponsorship you will be listed as a ( Sponsor For School Kids ) we will have a special program that will be handed out at the Motorfest with the sponsors in it. If you want your business card or vehicle advertised give us the information.


People make things happen.. Kids are our future... For questions call us...210-218-7655



J and S Racing Promotions

P.O. Box 433

Elmendorf, Texas 78112

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Like I said before, they were talking when the track was theirs. Now something has happened and they are not talking. Nell says it is back to her, so bash her for not talking. They have stated that it is a legal issue and the lawyers are working on it. Why don't you bash Nell for not talking. They spent a lot of time and money getting that place up so YOU would have a place to race. The last race was NOT a place to race, you would have had more racing in a corn field. I am sure that it will all come out soon, just be glad you have a place to race, Nell may change her mind again next week and want to sell it again, maybe this time, J and S WON't bail her out of her troubles??? Maybe they will, if they do, it is because they LOVE racing.

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They gave out the information that Nell has the track back, they also let you know they were not happy about it and had lawyers working on it. Put 2 and 2 together and figure out that maybe... well, figure it out. If I say what I think, it may be slanderous to the current owners. First ask why the track was sold, and go from there.

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They gave out the information that Nell has the track back, they also let you know they were not happy about it and had lawyers working on it. Put 2 and 2 together and figure out that maybe... well, figure it out. If I say what I think, it may be slanderous to the current owners. First ask why the track was sold, and go from there.



"they"? They didnt give out the information as to the fact that Nell still owned the track.

you are correct,we stated to call Nell with any questions concerning the track,again everyone get out of this thread with your negative trash,this is for helping KIDS thread.....

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You are "like an attorney" and you are suggesting it is OK to give out information? I have never met or heard of an attorney suggesting it would benefit you to give out information. They always suggest not giving out information because there is no upside to it only a downside. Of course, I only stayed at the Holiday Inn last night so I am not actually "like an attorney". Wow, I think advertising actually works.


Please spend as much time helping J&S when this is all over as you are spending trying to make them look bad. Good luck at the races tonight.

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Please spend as much time helping J&S when this is all over as you are spending trying to make them look bad. Good luck at the races tonight.


That's probably the best piece of advice I've seen posted in all these threads since all of this started. With all the bashing, I'll be surprised if you guys have a track at all when it's all said and done. A person can only take so much when they pour their heart and soul into it.

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Okay, everyone, let's settle down . . . please!


The accusations are starting up again. Please reread the warning from Terry Dickerson that was posted yesterday. Here's a link, just in case you missed it.


Message from Terry Dickerson, TSZ Owner


Feel free to be skeptical, have your own personal opinions, etc. But please be careful on how those thoughts are posted on this public forum. The future of this site depends on it.



Debbie Williams

TSZ Moderator

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shema and I have come to an agreemnt whether my spelling is good or bad, AND ITS OVER.AND TAKEN OFF BY ME ALSO.


shema and I have come to an agreemnt whether my spelling is good or bad, AND ITS OVER.AND TAKEN OFF BY ME ALSO.

ALL OF THIS IS ABOUT DIRT, AND NOTHING ABOUT SAN ANTONIO RACEWAY, support the drag track its racing also.

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