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Shawn B

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I was thinking of some ideas to get the car count and fan base up. Being a big fan, I know that the more cars that show up, the bigger the crowd is. I came up with some of these ideas that i would like to get feedback on from everyone.

1. Introduce a new class "Sportsman Stock." Allow some of the Super Street drivers to run slicks and in which attract more of the San Antonio racers that ran their sportsman class and also the Houston drivers that had their sportsman class cancelled. Even though, you introduce this class, still hold the Super Street class for the drivers that would not like to move up and also allow the pure stock drivers from the dirt track that would like to race asphalt run in super street.

2. With San Antonio closed, I am pretty sure the Texas Pro Sedans would like to hold some races at the track to help with some fans. I see most of the Pro Sedan drivers watching the races every Saturday they are off.

3. Hold a possible truck pull-off during the races, autocross, demo derby,etc. I noticed we are very limited on events this season.


All I ask is to try maybe some of these ideas or others. It can't hurt the track, only make it better.

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