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Passing of Freddie Barnec


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I grew up watching the likes of Freddie Barnec, Bill Garnett, Dub Rollins, Ronnie Miller, James Miklichec (sp),

Bob Miller, Nook Salge, Scotty Rabilas, and I am sure I miss several, race at C.C. Speedway. I can remember always running to the pits when the races were over and being able to feel the heat comming from the cars and tires. These men always had time to answer any questions a little snotty nose 10 or 12 yr old had for them. They Truely were the foundation the sport we love was built on. To the Barnec family go my condolences and prayers. Know that Freddie was one of my childhood heros and today I will tell my grandson about what an example he was to many. May God comfort you in your time of loss.



Mark Shurbet

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